Saturday, July 17, 2021


I am taking golf lessons.

Got 2 under my belt; 3 more to go. I have handled a putter, a wedge and a 7 iron.

I have been threatening to do this for a while; my family gave me a gentle nudge on Fathers Day with a gift certificate for lessons.

I sucked with the wedge - couldn't get any goddamn lift on the ball. Did OK with the putter and the iron.

Tough sport. Lots to think about, and some of the motions/grips feel quite awkward. But with 150,000 repetitions comfort will set in.

Wonderful anecdote: When using a wedge you gotta keep your hands ahead of the club head. Sound easy? It's not. The golf pro (a youngster) was explaining that if you are doing it right you can almost do it with one hand. He swung the club with his left hand only and sunk the shot from about 15 feet away. I looked at him and asked "Are you fucking showing off?" It was a wonderful moment.

My plan is to experience the 5 lessons and then make a decision. It is obvious to me that it will take a lot of work just to get to a level where I can walk out on a course and play without killing somebody.

I am not afraid of the work, I just need the time. I am not comfortable right now showing up on a Saturday or a Sunday to practice when there are crowds around. So that gives me Mondays and Tuesdays to build up weekend-level confidence.

Impressions: When you walk onto a golf course it is obvious that you are walking into a completely different world. Self contained. A universe unto itself. You can feel it. It is palpable.

I like the way it feels. For one thing it is peaceful. And beautiful. I do not feel as self conscious as I thought I would.

It is a small local course; I have not picked up on a vibe of snobbery. In fact most of the guys I have seen playing look more like John Daly than Jordan Spieth. I could blend in with a crowd like that.

So for now, I am doing something completely foreign to me in a world that is completely foreign to me.

That is how you rewire the brain.

My brain could definitely use some rewiring. And I don't have to worry about short-circuiting because my brain is already pretty fried.

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