Monday, March 6, 2023

Even My Taste Buds Are Bored

Friday night we treat ourselves.

No cooking. I pick up supper. I work in Concord, so there is a multitude of choices. 

This past Friday we did D'Angelo's - we like that joint, plus I'm always getting 20% off online orders promos on my phone. We are paupers - we can't afford food otherwise.

Except Spam. Spam is a delicacy. $2.99. Affordable and versatile. Four meals a week for $11.96. The rest of the time we eat flax seeds in chocolate sauce. We know how to live.

I had a Korean Rice & Grain bowl Friday night. Fucking delicious. Lately I have been opting for more exotic stuff - food I don't normally get, food that is spicy and boldly flavored.

Because I am fucking bored with everything and I'll take any kick I can get.

Grilled chicken, Korean barbecue sauce, cilantro, sriracha cole slaw, American cheese, served over long grain brown rice, sprouted brown and red rice, colusari red rice, and wild rice. Those are the ingredients.

I don't know what makes up Korean barbecue sauce, I don't know what sprouted rice is, I don't know what colusari red rice is. I don't care.

My taste buds were dancing. I was dancing. I felt so alive, it felt so good to get a jolt of life, I was dancing like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Back and forth across the living room floor, driving Carol crazy as I intermittantly interrupted her view of The Office.

Somehow the neighbors became aware. They gathered outside our picture window, clapping, hooting and hollering. A raucous crowd cheering me on. Drinking beers, sipping whiskey from flasks, holding up Bic lighters and cell phones. I turned up the intensity, doing back flips, moonwalking, break dancing. 

They were howling in delight.

Mad in frenzy, I whipped off my t-shirt and circled it around my head. Suddenly there was silence. The neighbors ran like a panicked crowd fleeing a marauding pack of wolves. I also noticed vomit on the snow.

Sometimes I go too far.

But shit, man - I was feeling alive! From a fucking Korean Rice & Grain bowl.

If only my soul was as easy to excite as my fucking taste buds.

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