Saw Buddy Guy Friday night.
Buddy Guy is God. King of Wild & Crazy Blues. Buddy Guy is 87 years old.
His opener was Bobby Rush. Bobby is 90 years old. He's lost a step or two, but he still brings it. A little more energy than Buddy. But seeing them together on the same stage was mind-blowing. You wanna talk about history? Blues history? It was all right there, baby.
Towards the end of the concert Buddy brought his son on stage - Greg Guy - also an accomplished blues guitar player (surprisingly enough). It was fitting to see father and son on stage together doing what they do; it was emotional considering the fact that Buddy is giving up touring after this tour.
I have seen Buddy a few times over the years and he was always larger than life. Whipping his guitar into a frenzy that broke strings and showed up other guitar players. Wailing and flying, playing the blues like rock 'n roll. Loud and fast.
Of course he played slow blues beautifully too - rip your heart out.
Powerful voice, powerful presence.
Last night he walked around the stage like Joe Biden. Buddy was sick last year - this concert was scheduled for 2023 but was re-scheduled because he was sick. He's lost a lot of weight. Lost some energy. He handed off most of the guitar solos to his guitar player. He talked a lot. But he still brought it in his own unique way.
Hard to watch from a health or aging perspective but......................he is still Buddy fucking Guy.
Because he has an aura.
When you age you gotta have an aura or you will just disappear. Your body is gonna break down, your mind is gonna slow down, you will project a sense of frailty - there will be a sign around your neck that says "I am vulnerable." It fucking sucks but it's inevitable.
Aura is your weapon and your shield.
Your personality, your achievements, the way you lived your life - whatever it is about you that makes you you - that's got to be front and center as your body betrays you.
Or you will be overlooked, as if you are already dead.
It broke my heart to see Buddy looking vulnerable. But do you think, if I got a chance to talk to him that night, I would have said "Buddy I'm so sorry to see you this way, to see you handing off guitar solos to someone else, shuffling around the stage uncertainly?"
Fuck no.
I would have said "Buddy, I love you man. Thanks for a great show and a great career."
Because he has an aura.
He is Buddy fucking Guy.
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