Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Happy Birthday, Keith

Keith Richards is 75 years old today.

A pretty big fuck you to all the people predicting his premature death.

I try to get in here every year and celebrate his birthday because I love and respect the man. I have always felt like I had to defend my opinion because so many people judge him superficially.

Fuck that. Either you get him or you don't.

He is a giant in the rock world because of his musical chops, his knowledge, his thirst to keep learning about his instrument and the music, his confidence and his willingness to speak the truth to anyone at anytime.

He is respected. He is loved.

I find it amusing and hypocritical that so many people criticize him for his drinking and his drugging over the years. These are the same people who get home from work and drink themselves numb because they hate their job, they hate their life.

Sometimes I think it is pure jealousy. They can't stand that he loves what he does, he is successful at it, and he has a hell of a time doing it.

He has given me a new wrinkle to consider this year. He quit drinking. For the most part.

"I pulled the plug on it. I got fed up with it. It was time to quit. Just like all the other stuff." That is Keith talking to Rolling Stone magazine recently. And "It was interesting to play sober."

Apparently he enjoys an occasional glass of wine or a beer but that is it.

The man does what he wants to do. He knows his body. I remember reading that he respected either his father or grandfather (I can't remember which) because he had a "strong constitution". When people asked him over the years how he handled drugs and booze he said he knew he had a strong constitution, he knew he could handle it.

People died trying to keep up with him in the partying department. Trust me, you gotta know what you can handle.

What I love is that he gives up drinking with no apologies and no regrets. It worked for him until it didn't. Then he pulled the plug.

Keith got into rock music (via the blues) and made it his own.

Keith Richards is rock 'n roll.

Happy Birthday, man - have yourself a blast.

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