Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Brilliant Sentence

I write differently than I talk.

Writing allows me creative license. Occasionally I talk the way I write but then people look askance at me. It doesn't work.

So I talk the way every one else does. Boring.

When I write I am truly me.

Given a blank page I cannot help myself. Even when writing emails at work.

On Monday I was filling in the boss about stuff at work (he wasn't in). Leaving him an email so he would be informed. This was around 4:15.

My last sentence was:

"Tomorrow at this time I will have a short whiskey in my hand as I listen to ocean waves softly whispering encouragement to my tortured psyche."

THAT is a motherfucking sentence. Could you write a sentence like that? You could not. I'm telling you right now. That sentence is worthy of a Pulitzer Prize. If they only gave Pulitzers for individual sentences.

That sentence could be the basis for a story. A book. A movie. It is wide open with possibilities, and creates an instantaneous mood while simultaneously raising questions.

It makes you wonder. It piques your curiosity.

Now if only I could find a writer talented enough to DO something with it.

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