Friday, November 29, 2024

Crowded Driveways

The people next door are trapped.

They cannot afford the rent of this place, and they cannot sell their house because no one else wants to pay exorbitant rent.

I met them in the spring when they were out for a walk. At the time I was talking to anyone I met so I could get to know people.

The husband had been through a series of serious health issues and could no longer work. And he was shuttling back and forth to medical appointments endlessly. His wife works part time. They told me they were forced to dip into their savings to survive. They tried to sell their house for six or eight months but got nowhere. Despair, frustration, and fear came off of them in waves. It hurt me.

But Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week - Thanksgiving week - their driveway has been crowded. And there have been kids around the kitchen table.

Our houses are very close but we don't bother - them or us - to raise or lower the blinds all the way. Too bothersome. Still we maintain our privacy. But when I climb into or out of my recliner I see motion peripherally - not a lot because the couple are not scampering around the house. But on Wednesday I was aware of a lot of activity - I glanced and saw kids gathered 'round. Grandkids, I assume.

It occurred to me that this couple are ecstatic. Filled with love and appreciation. Listening to laughter as if it was music. Preparing meals, playing games, eating ice cream when they probably rarely eat dessert -  doing the little things that turn out to be the most important things you can do to make a life worthwhile.

I imagine their kids and grandkids sweeping away the anxiety of their current lot in life and allowing them to be human - to feel pure happiness without reservation or worry. The kind of happiness that fills a heart to bursting.

Today is Friday, and one of the cars belonging to the couple next door is parked in the overflow lot. The kids and grandkids must still be here.

I am so happy for them. I imagine them banking this happiness, these good feelings, in reserve for the times when they feel despair. To call upon when they feel like life is kicking them around. It has to help.

Empty driveways, crowded driveways - you find meaning in different ways at different stages of life. What matters most is that your outlook feeds your happiness.

Time has a narrowing effect. The happiness you experience makes your heart strong and protects your soul. Especially as you age.

No small thing.

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