Sunday, August 21, 2016

Everybody Needs A Song

Been hearing "On The Road Again" by Willie Nelson a lot lately and it got me thinking.

At work we play CD's that get pumped into the store. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. The really bad thing is that typically when the CD ends somebody will just push play and the same CD begins again.

I am only there five hours a day. I will sometimes hear the same music three or four times.

The latest brain pounding contains "On The Road Again." I got to thinking what a perfect song that is for Willie.

It really summarizes his life; it really is his life.

"On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again, the life I love is making music with my friends, and I can't wait to get on the road again...................going places that I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again.................."etc.

It was his life when he wrote it; it is still his life a million miles and a million years down the road.

Everybody should have their own song. That one unique and personal song that summarizes their life, puts it out there for everybody to examine and enjoy, revealing the diamonds and the smiles.

Trouble is those songs would be boring as hell. The diamonds are practically non-existent and the smiles rare.

The lyrics would go: "On my recliner again, drinking beer and getting fat again, dreading sleep because tomorrow can't be stopped, I just cannot avoid another beer."

Or: "Paying bills again, got no money for the creditors, I wish I could get some rest and some relief, but the wolf I see has lots of real sharp teeth."

People are attracted to songs they can identify with, but I think in this case these are lyrics nobody wants to hear.

Or identify with even though they represent a vast majority.

"On The Road Again" is appealing because it sounds so fucking cool; who wouldn't want to be on the road, travelling around seeing sights and meeting people? Living like a gypsy?

Running away from boredom instead of embracing it.

Still, I think everybody should have their own song. Seems kind of cool.

If your life is like a coma do not write your own lyrics. Just pick a song. Pick a song that excites you, that makes you feel happy and light.

Make it your song.

Then sing the shit out of it every chance you get.

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