Sunday, February 18, 2018

Just When You're Ready To Put A Bullet In Your Brain......................

your family comes through.

My brother invited us to join him and Carolina for dinner to celebrate our 40th anniversary last night. Set it up about a week ago.

We shuttled over to Keene to a fine Italian restaurant. Walked in, told the hostess we were meeting another couple for dinner. Reservation under Ed Testa.

She told us she didn't have an Ed Testa but there was a Craig - party of eight.

Party of eight? Wow, is Craig here with his friends? We were clueless.

Walked into the room to find Ed, Carolina, Craig, Keith and our close friend Jason sitting at a table.


We were blown away.

An absolute surprise that caught us completely off guard and made us so happy.

On our actual anniversary Carol and I ate Domino's pizza and cinnamon sticks in front of the TV. Not much of a celebration, but we have been maintaining a low profile for a while now.

So last night was super special. Excellent food, great conversation and many, many laughs.

Amazing how something like that can make you feel. We are still basking in the glow today. Cannot stop thinking about it. Cannot stop talking about it. Feel so good, so happy.

Haven't had a lot to crow about lately. Been a tough slog.

Suddenly we are sitting in a nice restaurant surrounded by our closest family and one good friend, celebrating our forty years of marriage.

As you get older your options narrow. You do less, you have less, your health begins to get fragile.

It sharpens your focus. Redefines the word appreciation.

You look at life differently than you did decades ago. You have regrets that won't go away, you have dreams that will never be realized. You try real hard to enjoy what you got.

If you have good family you realize you got a lot.

We have good family.

The happiness of last night is a deeply emotional thing that has a very definite physical effect.

I have been tired lately. Carol, obviously, is feeling beat up. She gets tired, even as much of a warrior as she is.

Today I feel good. Noticeably better. I even had to shovel fucking snow and I still feel happy today. I assume Carol feels as good. She seems perky today.

Ed, Carolina, Keith, Craig and Jason obviously knew we were enjoying ourselves last night. But they don't know and cannot know how happy they made us.

A simple thing like being taken out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary, triggering such deeply felt emotions in Carol and me.

We love each other, we love our family, we appreciate our friends.

This is the stuff that counts.

You live your life quietly, and every once in a while something happens that just opens your eyes and your heart.

Last night was one of those moments.

It was absolutely fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for you friends..again Happy Anniversary
