Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Point of Reference

I just picked up "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - A History of Nazi Germany".

Indeed an epic tome. Over 1100 pages.

I want to do my homework so I will know what to expect from trump.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr.Testa...I recommend this book. I have read it. I have spent a lifetime watching and reading everything I could on Hitler and the Nazi Party. It has always been amazed on how a nation could come under his spell. I remember 20+ years ago making a statement that this would be impossible to achieve today. WRONG!! We have become Germany lite. All it took for Hitler was the manipulate the truth and instill FEAR into whoever would listen. The Nazi ideals are alive and well here in the USA with the secret blessings of Donald Trump, FOX News and the Supreme Court.
