And then it is over.
Boom. Just like that.
The buildup to Christmas is insane, especially the hype on TV and generally out and about in the universe.
Carol and I are brilliant. Years ago we turned Christmas into Thanksgivng Part II. Minimal presents, virtually no Christmas shopping.
So we can fucking enjoy the holiday.
And enjoy it we did.
The weather added a twist to Christmas intensity - ice, ice, baby. Fucking nuts. We were uncomfortable driving to Craig & Amanda's house - Eddie had a longer drive, and Keith had the longest drive. Not fun for any of us. And the thousands of other people who felt compelled to brave the weather.
But Christmas does that to people. It will be celebrated come hell or high water.
Ultimately I am glad everybody made the effort - everybody showed, no incidents, and we had a spectacular day.
Christmas snuck up on me this year, which is odd, given the fact I have been off work since December 17.
Fortunately Carol and I snuck in all four of our ritual Christmas movies before The Day, although we had to watch two on December 24.
But I have a personal ritual of listening to Christmas songs endlessly as the holiday approaches. Suddenly it was December 24 and I realized my spirit was lacking. So in the afternoon, as Carol baked a pecan pie and apple crisp, I sat in the recliner and dialed up song after song after song on YouTube.
Quite delightful.
My new favorite is a song called "Merry Christmas, I Love You" by Robert Finley. Spectacular. In the video you get to watch Black Santa beat up a purse snatcher. It doesn't get any better than that. I also love the song.
So cross Christmas off the list. It is done. It is over. It was spectacular.
2022 looms. And I mean looms.
A new year is a daunting thing. I make a big deal out of it, but I suspect I am not alone.
Everybody craves change. Everybody wants a better life. There are millions of people depressed today because they are back to work. Christmas is a memory, the job is reality. That sucks.
There is nothing worse than going back to work after a holiday break. Except a new year that offers no hope, no change.
Motivation is key. You cannot wish for a better life, you gotta do something to make it happen.
I think in many cases a new year is motivation for change. In most cases, unfortunately, I think it is not enough. It is a tough mountain to climb.
So here we are. Thanksgiving - a memory. Christmas - a memory. January 1, 2022??????????????????
You have a little time before the big day.
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