Monday, March 4, 2024

The Verdict

Great movie. Paul Newman. 1982. Newman plays an alcoholic lawyer. Which is probably a not uncommon occurrence.

The opening scene is Newman in a run-down bar in the afternoon, playing pinball. A half empty mug of beer sits on the windowsill next to him. Alongside an ashtray with a cigarette smoldering in it. Maybe two other people in the bar.

Stripped of responsibilities, I wouldn't mind living my life that way.

A couple of scenes later he's back in the bar in the morning. Circling obituaries in the paper. He's an ambulance chaser. Got a shot of whiskey next to him. He picks up the shot but can't get it to his lips because his hand is shaking. So he bends down to the shot and takes a sip. Then he picks it up.

I wouldn't mind living that way either.

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