Wednesday, May 22, 2024

More Quotes

 "Sheddan once said that evil has no alternate plan. It is simply incapable of assuming failure."

And this is why the world we live in today will be destroyed. Inevitably.

"His father. Who had created out of the absolute dust of the earth an evil sun by whose light men saw like some hideous adumbration of their own ends through cloth and flesh the bones in one another's bodies."

A great and ominous sentence.

"A frail candle tottering in the darkness. All of history a rehearsal for its own extinction."

Mankind does NOT learn from its mistakes.

"And I've come to suspect that the ground we walk is less of our choosing than we imagine. And all the while a past we hardly even knew is rolled over into our lives like a dubious investment....................But if there is a common keel to our understanding it is that we are flawed. At our core that is what we know."

I feel that more than ever about my own life.

"The world's truth constitutes a vision so terrifying as to beggar the prophecies of the bleakest seer who ever walked it."

The truths of the world, the truths of life, are dark and barely visible. But crushing nonetheless.

Quotes from The Passenger, written by Cormac McCarthy.

Opinions by me.

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