Saturday, June 3, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend Is So Fucking Cool It Is Hard To Believe It Is Really A Thing

I was going to write this last weekend but I got sidetracked and ended up writing an obituary instead, just the other day.

I say this every year. I love long weekends. Not just for me. For humanity in general.

Driving home last Friday night I saw pickups with canoes in the back, people towing pop up trailer/tents, campers, RV's.

People bursting free; throwing off the bonds.

I don't see it as an act of desperation. I see it more as a big fuck you to the world.

Working people whose lives revolve around their hated jobs and the fucking bills and the mortgage payment and home repairs and cars that break down............................and an occasional pizza.

Officially sanctioned 3 day weekends roll around and people get happy crazy. They do stuff.

Camping, barbecuing, going out to eat, sleeping late, hosting parties, going to parties - the sense of relief is tangible. You can feel it. You can see it on peoples' places.

You can hear it as people tell you what their long weekend plans are. Smiling. Excited.

People who walk through life dead, suddenly come alive.

And why not? Jesus Christ, the only thing life should be about is having fun.

Unfortunately, most of us spend 99% of our time burrowing like gophers, heads down, teeth clenched, anxiety ruling. 1% trying to get to happy.

A 3 day weekend is a free pass. It is only one extra day but it is the world.

I feel so good about people. Happiness actually becomes a thing, you can release it, let it flow, express it unashamedly. Whatever you are doing that weekend becomes the most important thing in your life, and drudgery be damned.

As always, I have to acknowledge the people who do not get a three day weekend. A slice of our population that has become huge and keeps on growing.

Many years ago, most of the people I knew were lucky enough to get three day weekends. Now I know more people who do not get them.

People working service industry jobs, people working two jobs, people working three part-time jobs.

This is a sad commentary on our society. Employers content to exploit working people so the company does not have to pay insurance. Happy to treat their employees like human resources instead of people; companies who do not give a shit about their employees' lives - how hard they have to work to survive, how much they have to sacrifice to get a small shot at dignity.

It sucks. It really sucks.

Three day weekends are a mixed bag. But if you are lucky enough to get them....................fucking go for it.

Make them count. Ease your mind. Laugh. Dig your family, dig your friends.

The fun that you experience is what life is all about.


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