"Once this new justice is seated, ObamaCare is likely gone, and after that Rowe vs Wade. So I hope you enjoy carrying your rape baby to term, you can name it Jill Stein".
That is a pretty rough quote from Bill Maher during the New Rules segment of his September 25 show. Find it. Watch it. It is chilling. It is dead on.
He was talking about all the brainless morons who "didn't like trump but just couldn't vote for Hillary". All the jerkoffs who voted third party. And the consequences of that stupidity. He contrasts that with the way things could have been, the horrific things that could have been avoided had Hillary been elected.
A large chunk of my family fell into this category in 2016. Back when I thought I could use facebook in a positive way, I got into endless arguments with these people. My point was that if you don't vote for Hillary you are voting for trump. And trump made it abundantly clear on the campaign trail what a flaming asshole he was. So you cannot feign surprise after the fact.
They knew what they were doing. But their argument was they were exercising their constitutionally guranteed right to vote for whoever they wanted to. They got all pompous and consdescending, explaining that our political system sucks and third party candidates make sense. Fucking smoke screen.
Although, I agreed with that. I still do - I told them that. I also told them this was not your normal election, that trump was stupid and dangerous and would destroy the country.
They did their thing anyway. I believe some of them were and are trump supporters but didn't have the guts to admit it. I think they will vote for trump again.
I used to think they were smart. Now I fucking hate them. I hate them because they are actively engaged in destroying my life. And theirs, which they are too stupid to understand. And my sons' lives, which I can never forgive them for. Never.
trump supporters are a special brand of stupid. Cretins. One of my favorite words. As defined by Merriam-Webster: a stupid, vulgar or insensitive person (trump supporters are all three). Synonyms: Clod, lout.
These cretins support trump for the clown show. Nothing else. They have no idea what his "policies" are. They don't care. They have no idea what Biden's policies are. They love trump because he is a clown and a racist and an idiot, mysoginistic, vulgar, vicious and heartless.
Fine qualities in a president.
This election expands the definition of cretin substantially. "Undecided voters". You have to be brainless to be undecided at this point. Either you are for trump or for Biden. To pretend there is some middle ground that is worth exploring, that there are shared traits between these two is an LSD dream.
I like Maher's comment because it is so harsh. There are people who say we should not hate on trump supporters. It's not their fault. Not trump's fault. It is our broken political system, our broken country.
The country is broken. trump did not originate the breakage. He exploited it. For personal gain and to deliberately hurt people. His supporters don't think. They just piss and moan and repeat whatever lies they have been taught.
trump and his supporters deserve our hatred.
Just read some comments from Marc Maron. "I can honestly say I don't really care whether he dies or not. I don't wish it upon him but he is one of the worst examples of the human species in the history of humans. I'm not saying that he deserves it or that he has it coming. We all have it coming. I would actually rather see him voted out, dramatically. I would like to see the system he has tried to destroy take him down in a purely American way. Repudiate him".
I agree with every word of that.
Shortly after trump got sick, the first time I heard that he was doing better - I was disappointed. I felt disappointment in my bones. Not intellectually. I felt it. That was an honest gut check of just how much I hate this lowlife creature from hell.
So yeah, anybody who still supports trump, anybody who is "undecided", deserves alll the hatred and disrespect that can be sent their way. trump deserves the most virulent form of hatred imaginable.
I like Bill Maher's words. I like Marc Maron's words.
They are the truth.