Sunday, November 7, 2021

They Can't Do That! Can They?

There is a scene in A Christmas Carol where Bob Cratchit comes home with Tiny Tim on his shoulders on Christmas day.

Bob says to his wife something like "I believe he is getting better, he seems to be getting stronger every day."

A completely delusional comment and Bob knows it; you can see the truth in his eyes.

That is how democrat congressmen sound. Fucking delusional.

They are going to get Biden's big bill done and it will lift this country up like never before. They will hold onto their majority in the house and the senate in 2022, they will win the White House in 2024. They will hold insurrectionists accountable for January 6, they will root out republican congressmen who aided and abetted the insurrectionists and punish them.

They will protect Roe v. Wade, they will beat back the voter suppression movement.


republicans suck, but they have balls, and no conscience or moral compass. democrats sit around ringing their hands saying "Hey, they can't do that."

Yes they can.

republicans will regain the majority in 2022, they will win the White House in 2024.

I see 2024 as the ultimate crisis point in my life. I will be 70 years old. If I don't have my life under control by then, meaning financial independence, I will be vulnerable. republicans love vulnerable.

I don't trust those greasy motherfuckers not to destroy my life.

The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future are not going to save the democrats. They need to wake the fuck up on their own.

Unfortunatly I have zero confidence that they will.

Goodbye to my security.

Goodbye to democracy.

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