Friday, September 2, 2011

Random Thoughts Friday

Today is Random Thoughts Friday:

Started a new book today. This is always an awesome feeling for me. I have read 14 million books in my life and still, every time I first crack one open, it gives me a thrill. And this one is a HARDCOVER. I covet hardcovers, I worship them and I love the way they feel in my hands. Books were meant to be hardcover bound, not paperback. And yet, we are paupers. I rarely read hardcovers; paperback is cheaper. Isn't that a sad commentary on how low you must sink, how deeply you must compromise, just to survive? Just to line the pockets of that greedy, soul-less, life sucking Mortgage Vampire?
And when the first line of the book, the very first line, blows me away, I know I am in for a tasty ride. Dig this: "His life's work and ambition fulfilled, Francis Brimm believed the only metamorphosis left him was a slow, affable decline toward death, and so at the age of seventy-three he returned to the town of his youth to retire." If that doesn't spark a reaction in you, you are already dead. Th first part is what interests me, it is the feeling I am after. I actually read those first six words and stopped, I was so blown away at my reaction. Fulfilling my life's work and ambition. I want that, I need that, like Bukowski needed his booze. I'm not interested in the second part, not ready for death yet. I am cranking at 233 m.p.h. towards overwhelming Joe-ness and I will punch the Grim Reaper in the face, knock him down and step over him to get there. Anything else that happens to me today will be anti-climatic; this book started my day off with a BANG.

Twitter can kiss my ass. The more we develop and indulge in "social media" in this country, the more we encourage mass stupidity. What idiot decided that putting twitter quotes up on the screen should be part of a "news" broadcast? I was watching the hurricane coverage Sunday and they start putting this garbage on the screen. "Mike Moron from Stupidity, Massachusetts tweets -  Wow it is really windy today. And rainy too." "Kathy Clueless from Cretinville, Rhode Island tweets - Oh my god - my clothesline got blown down. How will I dry my clothes?" I DON'T CARE WHAT THESE PEOPLE THINK - THEY ARE IDIOTS. Anything that is embraced by the masses reflects the intelligence of the masses, which, on average, is just below that of Vinny Barbarino. I see this on MSNBC, which is a station I respect. People tweeting about President Obama or country-killing republicans or Hillary's newest pants suit. PLEASE. Stop it. We are putting our ignorance out there for the rest of the world to laugh at. Someday we will be attacked again and just before we go down there will be a tweet from a foreign country on everybodys' TV saying "Tweet this, America."
Shoot me if I ever tweet. Go there, give them your money. If you have money to blow and you want to do something positive, help feed hungry people IN AMERICA. Don't give your money to organizations that aid foreign countries, there is enough suffering in this country to warrant your attention. We like to pretend that we are so superior here, but that is no longer even close to being true, and maybe never was. It drives me crazy to think that there are people starving in this country. How can that be? And I'm not talking about your 350 pound neighbor who is starving in his car on the way to McDonald's because he hasn't had a meal in over an hour. I'm talking about people who are suffering. Go to the site, educate yourself about hunger in the suburbs, rural hunger, senior hunger, child hunger, and the working poor. Child hunger and senior hunger twist my gut. Why is it that the most vulnerable are the ones who suffer the most?
I am cash poor. I eat cat food three days a week. But when I get my life vibrating at the pitch it should be, I will be donating to this organization and others who cater to the needs of Americans.
And check out Good Charlotte. They are a rock group who is heavily involved in this cause. Benji and Joel Madden had it tough growing up and now they are using their success to help people who need it. IN AMERICA. You have to respect people like that.

Dig it, baby. I am spent. Gotta go fight flab.

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