Henniker has had 11 cases of Covid-19 since all this bullshit began. ELEVEN. In 6 months.
That is nothing. Makes us all feel relatively safe.
College students and staff began returning to the New England College campus on August 14. Since then there have been four positive test results for students (and one more on the Manchester campus).
A total of five motherfucking cases in 1 and 1/2 weeks.
I am not willing to become a sacrificial lamb because some people feel that students HAVE to have in person learning. This is a goddamn pandemic. A highly transmissible virus which can easily be deadly.
Students do not have the right to their college experience at the expense of the safety of the residents of the town.
Fascinates me the extent to which the powers that be in government and in business are willing to risk the lives of innocent people in the naked pursuit of money. I mean, I have always known this about America, greedy, cold-hearted country that it is - but since March no one is even trying to hide it anymore.
College students are stupid and selfish. I know. I was one once. And I spent all my time drinking and playing pinball. Which partially explains why I am where I am in life right now.
They cannot be trusted to do the right thing. So don't expect them to. We have these things called laptops, and we have this thing called the internet. Fucking use them.
Carol and I went to dinner Saturday night with Jason and Karen. Outdoors at Country Spirit. The restaurant has the following notice posted on their website (and I assume somewhere at the restaurant):
" ATTN NEC STUDENTS!! In order to protect our staff, customers and the community we respectfully request that you do not dine in with us until after Sept 15th. We will be happy to provide you with curbside take-out service until then. Thank you for your cooperation".
That is the way it should be. Take charge. Don't be wimpy and hope nobody gets sick or dies. This is too goddamn dangerous to fool around with.
Amusing note: At the end of dinner the waitress came to our table, put her hand on my shoulder and asked "Are you paying, POP?"
She was obviously making reference to my age, and possibly to the possibility that Jason and Karen are my kids.
Strange days indeed.
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