Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can I Move?

In Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Butch and Sundance apply for the job of payroll guards when they are trying to give the impression that they have gone straight.
The guy checking them out wants to see how good Sundance is with a gun. He tosses a coin on the ground and tells Sundance to hit it. He misses miserably.
Sundance asks "Can I move?" The guy says "What?" Sundance says "I'm better when I move." He proceeds to draw his gun, spin around and shoot the hell out of the coin repeatedly.
I might have to employ this strategy in my interview next week. I am uncomfortable sitting while people grill me. I prefer to stand and be able to move around. If they ask me a question and I start to blunder I'll say "Can I move?"
"I'm better when I move."
Then I'll stand up and knock it out of the park.

Just a thought.

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