Sunday, February 26, 2012

Santorum REALLY Sucks

"They have voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands, but half the people who are euthanized every year, and its 10% of all deaths, half of those people are euthanized involuntarily in hospitals, because they are older and sick. So elderly people in the Netherlands don't go to the hospital. They go to another country. Because they're afraid because of budget purposes they will not come out of that hospital if they go in with sickness." The Dutch wear bracelets saying "don't euthanize me."
Comments courtesy of Rick Santorum.
This is Rick Santorum, Christ lover, lying and creating mindless, dangerous, fear. WWJD?
I previously pontificated on Santorum's approach to campaigning and by implication, the republican party's approach to campaigning.
Talked about their two pronged attack. The use of innuendo to inflame, and outright lying to inflame.
These comments represent the perfect union of both approaches.
Although outraged, the government of the Netherlands has not responded because they do not want to get involved in America's political campaign.
This is a very cool country. Imagine the restraint and intelligence and political awareness it takes to refrain from commenting on Ricky boys comments, although there are politicians in that country who are outraged at that silence and demanding a response, and an apology from Santorum..
In the Netherlands, prostitution is legal, marijuana is legal and euthanasia is legal. You can giggle about the first two with a juvenile mentality, but it makes perfect sense for pot and prostitution to be legal. In most of the world. The Dutch and much of Europe and the world are miles ahead of us in maturity. Euthanasia should be legal as well. Look at the shit Kevorkian had to deal with in America trying to educate and raise awareness about euthanasia. The intelligentsia in this country would rather have people suffer endlessly, or exist attached to machines, than to do the right thing and allow them to choose to die with dignity. The U.S. is repressed and handcuffed by religion and low intelligence; we cannot deal with these topics intelligently.
Perhaps by the year 2525...................
The Dutch press has responded to idiot boy and with a vengeance. One headline: "Rick Santorum Thinks He Knows The Netherlands: Murder of the Elderly on a Grand Scale."
The only thing Santorum got right is that euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands. Everything else is lies. LIES. Lies intentionally designed to strike fear in the hearts of the most vulnerable.
The innuendo here is that Santorum is implying that this is where the headed as a result of President Obama's Health Care bill. He is playing on the fears of the elderly and the soon to be elderly and counting on them to swallow his bullshit whole, without questioning it or researching it, because he knows that they are most likely racially prejudiced President Obama haters.
He should be disqualified from the race because of his lies, and because of his intentional manipulation of fear and misinformation on the part of the elderly and the American public in general.
The elderly are being attacked on all sides. Afraid of losing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Wondering how they would survive without these things. Their nerves are raw so they are receptive to hysteria about involuntary euthanasia. His words, his intent is so wrong, so disgusting that the man should be thrown in jail. Preferably with elderly cannibals.
Santorum is vile, he is without morals (ironic because he presents himself as a grand moral crusader), he is a very small mind and a very small man.
A large segment of the American voting public will eat this crap up, whether they are elderly or not. And use it to turn President Obama into Lucifer.
I'm losing my patience, kids. The republican presidential contenders have been thinned out and this is what you are left with?
Santorum is the Gordon Gekko of politicans. His cutsie sweater vests should be embroidered with the words"Lying, for lack of a better word, is good. Lying is right. Lying works."
I challenge you once again to defend a vote for Rick Santorum. Defend it with facts; prove to me that he stands FOR something instead of standing AGAINST President Obama.
Then look into your soul and do the same thing.

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