Just a little more evidence concerning why this country is the laughing stock of the civilized world.
I saw Tim Huelskamp being interviewed on Morning Joe this week. Timmy is the republican representative from the great state of Kansas.
He is also an idiot.
He was asked if he would be willing to vote to raise taxes on the wealthy to help to avoid plunging over the fiscal cliff. He said absolutely not. He said that raising taxes will not solve our financial problems. That is typical republican bullsh**. Everybody acknowledges that higher taxes on the rich will not solve our problems, but it will HELP to solve our problems. What he is really saying is that I will sacrifice the financial stability of 99% of the struggling people in this country to protect my wealthy, fat cat friends.
He was asked if it is time to re-consider assault weapon bans. He went into this mindless rap about I have children you have children we have to look at cultural problems before we overreact and try to pass some sort of legislation. What he is really saying is that I will not defy the NRA and I don't give a damn that first graders were massacred.
This man is scum and he is the perfect example of the diseased attitudes of republicans who don't care about the people who are fighting just to survive financially in this country and who would also like to feel just a little bit safer when it comes to their kids.
After President Barack Obama was justifiably re-elected, the republicans all pretended to sound contrite. They said they had to reconnect with the American public and that they had learned their lessons and were going back to the drawing board.
They lied. They picked up right where they left off, playing games with the fiscal cliff crisis. Refusing to work with the President to try to ease the lives of the majority of Americans. This is unacceptable to the point of revulsion.
The first time around their focus was on defeating President Obama. They failed. He is in for a second term. Re-elected because the American voting public said "You guys are a bunch of morons, you don't care about those who suffer, and if your policies increase the suffering in this country you don't care about that either."
The two party system was created to allow for compromise. A blending of opinions to do the best you can. When idiots like Timmy Huelskamp refuse to negotiate, as the entire republican party refuses to negotiate, you sabotage hope for financial relief for hundreds of millions of people. This is the ultimate proof that these low lifes care nothing about the people of this country. President Obama has won twice. It is time for these scum to act like men and actually govern. Americans depend on these fools to act in our best interests. Instead they are 100% removed from everyday life and feel no remorse, no empathy, they have no understanding what it is like to wake to fear every morning.
I despise them with every fiber of my being.
And the President needs to get tough. Boehner and his clowns pulled that Plan B stunt and then went home for the holidays. They do not have the right to spend the holidays with their families. They have not earned it. And the President was still holding out hope that compromise could be reached.
I would love to see him stand up and say "republicans are actively pushing your life further into the ditch. They are acting like children and are jeopardizing the stability of this country as they simultaneously increase the fragility of your ability to survive."
Let's throw Wayne LaPierre into the mix. The leader of the NRA. His contribution in the aftermath of Newtown was to recommend that we employ armed guards in every school in America. What a moron. What an unfeeling fool.
He said the only defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
We are rapidly approaching the point in this country where there will be as many guns as there are Americans. That is not an exaggeration. We are talking about a one to one ratio of guns to people. And we are, by far, the most violent country in the civilized world.
So your argument, LaPierre, is bullsh** and you know it.
He blamed movies, video games, blah blah blah for the violence in this country. Not guns.
He was interviewed on Meet The Press last Sunday and came across like the brainless robot that he is. He would not admit that smaller magazines could reduce violence, he would not admit that an assault weapons ban could reduce violence.
Kept falling back on the second amendment. Mindlessly.
He cares about money. He cares about power. He does not care about first graders getting massacred. He does not care about the spirit of the second amendment. He cares only to hide behind the second amendment as a smoke screen to hide the fact that all he cares about is the money the NRA makes and the power it wields in Washington.
Watch the man speak. He looks like a lunatic. He has that idiotic aura of the unthinking possessed.
I despise him with every fiber of my being.
That is where this country is at, folks. Being governed by cretins who are completely removed from the best interests of the people who work hard to keep this country afloat so these fat cats can eat steak, smoke cigars, screw high priced hookers, as they spit on the people they pretend to represent.
Having a mindless low life representing a huge organization that is so wrapped up in it's own agenda it can ignore the source of the slaughter of innocent first graders.
That is only a couple of reasons why America is the laughing stock of the rest of the civilized world.
There are many more reasons that I don't have the time or the energy or the stomach to even get into.
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