Had some time to kill before going to work last Friday so I watched a chunk of Day One of the NFL Combine.
(Brief aside - at this stage in my life I have NO time to kill. Can't afford it. The Stones did not tell the whole story when they sang "Time Is On Your Side". It's only on your side when you are young, and even that is questionable. Sad state of affairs. Next time I use that phrase, kick me in the teeth and say "Wake up, Almost Dead motherfucker!)
Never watched the Combine before. Why the hell would I? It is a bizarre spectacle. Especially on Day One.
I watched 303 pound linemen running the forty. Not kidding. And kickers. They had kickers running the forty too. The linemen were turning in stellar times like 5.30. Jesus Christ, man - linemen don't need speed. They need beef, strength and stamina. And all kickers need to learn is how to kick and how to tackle.
Very strange show. All these pro prospects being paraded around like sides of beef. I am embarrassed to admit that I went back to it on Monday morning (AFTER SHOVELING FUCKING SNOW), but only to establish a yardstick of comparison. Monday was defensive backs. Burning up the forty.
Then they had to work defensive drills. There was some NFL defensive coach explaining to these guys what they were expected to do. In typical NFL fashion - talking tough, talking fast, telling these guys to ask questions if necessary and then not giving them the time to ask questions because he didn't really expect them to ask questions - they were expected to know this stuff.
These guys were standing around restlessly like the bulls about to be released in Pamplona, and looking at this coach like he was a fucking idiot.
Which he was.
I have recently read three books on football, the last of which gave me brutally honest insight into what it means to be an NFL player. The pain, the never ending injuries, the fear and intensity of trying to hold on to your job. This gave me insight as I watched these hard dudes strut their stuff.
Young healthy men, strong like bull, full of commitment, excitement and intensity regarding a looming NFL career. I kept thinking where will these guys be in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years, if they make it that far, which is highly unlikely. What kind of shape will they be in? How many injuries and damage to their bodies will they have sustained? How much psychological bullshit will they have accumulated from the way the NFL treats its players, especially if they bounce from team to team?
It was a weird lens to view this action through.
Anyway, last Friday I watched 303 pound linemen run 5.30 forties. It was probably the biggest waste of television watching time I have ever spent in my 65 years on this planet.
I watched it for a solid hour and never changed the channel.
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