Saturday, March 23, 2013

On The Other Hand

On the other hand I have Billy Bob Thornton.

I am reading two books right now. This is something I rarely do. I prefer to lose myself in one book until I stumble upon the last page, look up dazedly and then grab another book.


My brother gave me a book called The One Thing You Need To Know...... About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success.

He gave me the book to help me figure out how to manage this being a manager deal I got myself into. As I have said many times in the past, it has always felt to me like he is the older brother and I am the younger. He is wiser, more accomplished, steadier, incisive and goddamn witty. I love and respect him. If he recommended this book, then it is worth reading.

Started that book yesterday, but today I needed something off beat, so I picked up The Billy Bob Tapes - A Cave Full Of Ghosts. Today is my one day off before the start of a seven consecutive day stretch at Lompoc, so I needed something my rebellious nature could grab onto.

The book is Thornton's reflections on how he grew up, along with his thoughts about his life and the world, spiced with commentary from his friends and acquaintances.

And you never know where beauty comes from.

In describing his father, Billy Bob says "He was a guy who couldn't articulate things, and he was trapped inside a head that he felt he was more than." I am tempted to throw my own words at that, but the truth is that the description is so powerful, it stands on it's own.

Billy Bob has a band. They write and perform their own music. Here are some lyrics from a song of theirs called "Providence."

"It seems like happiness ignores all navigation
Sometimes freedom comes when you have lost your way
I changed the course of my imagination
And took a turn that leads to come what may
I don't know where I'm gonna go
Right now that's about the only thing I know"

'Nuff said.

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