Nothing really planned today so I'll just ramble.
As I sit here and look around, I see the 2022 calendar I already have hanging. I see the 2022 Monthly Planner waiting for its first entry.
Wow, man - that ain't me. Except, it is. Now.
The wall calendar was a fluke, a simple twist of fate - came in the mail or in a package of something we bought unbidded. But it is sponsored by the Humane Society - animals, baby - animals. All humans should be summarily executed, all animals should be exalted.
I am looking at January 2022 (staring me in the face, challenging me) - got a picture of a beautiful bird perched on a snow-dusted branch. Gives me peace, gives me pause.
I got into the monthly planner game in 2021 for real. Tried it before but was not committed. I am not into being pinned down.
It was helpful in 2021. I use it to track performance and progress. It is inspiring to see my efforts at self-improvement laid out in black and white day after day after day. Bam, bam, bam - just like that.
It's the blank days that haunt.
I began the year shot out of a cannon, sagged in the middle of the year, re-fired my mojo in October.
I am human. I can accept that.
In line with James Clear's philosophy of making small improvements on a consistent basis (a philosophy I embrace with both arms), my goal for 2022 is to do better than I did in 2021. Reduce the sag.
If I do that I will know that I continue to move forward.
The yin and yang of it is that I feel pressure for explosive change, even as I see and feel the benefits of incremental change. Wait, what is that horrific sound? So loud, so overwhelming? Like someone banging on a castle door with a sledgehammer.
Oh, I get it. It's the clock in my head reminding me - ceaselessly, relentlessly - that I am not immortal.
Deus ex machina - my favorite expression, my favorite dream. Definition: An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel.
I am in love with this idea because I don't want to do the work. I would rather have The Great Speckled Bird swoop down and save me from myself.
It's a nice fantasy but it ain't gonna happen. So, coming full circle - I will continue to do the work and reap the benefits of incremental self-improvement.
Anyway, I got me a 2022 Wall Calendar, got me a 2022 Monthly Planner - I am set up to take on another new year.
But I will focus on rounding out 2021 in style.
I'll keep you posted.
From Left Field: I was in the mood for horror last night, it being Halloween Eve and all, so we went to Turner Classic Movies and struck gold. We watched Frankenstein - 1931 - starring Bela Lugosi, then followed that up immediately with Young Frankenstein - 1974 - Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman.
I cannot take credit for this genius - that's how TCM had it programmed. Frankenstein at 8, Young Frankenstein at 9:30.
A potentially dangerous experiment, but it turned out spectacularly well. Watching Frankenstein first made Young Frankenstein even funnier.
Damn good night.