TSA employees are fucking rude.
They were rude in Boston, they were rude in Nashville. Didn't have to deal with them in Newark because it was a connecting flight.
At Phil's suggestion I pre-registered with TSA so I could avoid all the take-off-your-belt&shoes-empty-your-pockets bullshit at the airport. Cost $85 for 5 years clearance.
You still have to walk through a metal detector though, which typically is not a problem. But when I walked through, the fucking detector went off. So I had to take-off-my-belt&shoes-and-empty-my pockets.
Detector went off again.
Turns out I had an asthma inhaler in my pocket that I did not think could possibly set off the detector - it did. Apparently had some metal on it.
Fucking TSA guy was rude the first time I went through before I even set the detector off. Barked at me to walk through. Of course after setting it off twice he became a royal fucking asshole. And I was pissed because I was in my stocking feet, holding up my pants and worrying about my wallet in the fucking bin.
It was not a pretty situation. Especially after spending $85 for nothing. And, coming back from Nashville the TSA pre-clearance thing was not reflected on my airline ticket - so I had to do the whole belt-shoes-pockets thing again.
The next time I fly - if ever - I will spend lots of extra bucks to make sure everything goes smoothly. Then I can sneer at the TSA people as I walk by them as if I was Richard Branson and they were bugs.
Fuck them.
Regional Politeness - what the fuck is that all about?
People in Nashville were super nice - even in the airport, except for the TSA people of course. People generally bent over backwards to help you, they engaged in friendly conversation and showed respect.
Boston and Newark? No fucking way. Especially Newark.
Cold fucking people, disrespectful, rude, unhelpful, unless you beat them over the head with a baseball bat, which I wish I could have done.
You know the type - you ask a question, they give you a look and a curt answer. Which of course does not answer your question fully. Forcing you to ask for more info, to which they react as if you were poking their eyeballs out with an ice pick, which I wish I could have done.
Is it a population thing? Like the bigger and more crowded the population, the more rude the human? I think that's the answer.
If you are crowded, you are always fighting for space and time and dignity, so you take your frustrations out on people you see as lesser than yourself - people that need guidance.
Observation - that is a bullshit, fucking excuse.
Show some respect, no matter who you are, no matter what your situation is. Especially if you are employed in customer service.
Do you have any idea how often I want to scream at the people I deal with every day? Instead I slap a smile on my face, joke around with them and give them what they need.
Of course, as I'm getting up from behind my desk, I often say "Fuck You" under my breath, or flip them off with my right hand as my left hand covers it up, as if I am rubbing my hand.
I'm only human, you know.
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