Many of the ads for "Black Friday" have a common theme.
They say "Black Friday starts on Thursday at 6 p.m." Or some variation.
They don't have the guts to say Black Friday begins on Thanksgiving.
If you are going to exploit your employees' desperation for a fatter paycheck, corporate greed, and the public's indifference to the quality of life of fellow humans, be honest about it.
One aspect of this is the sad truth that many Americans are barely surviving and feel that overtime earned by working a holiday is worth the sacrifice of family. I am hoping that all employers are required to pay OT on that day. I am praying that is true.
I also know that any corporation that can get away with it will pay straight time. And there are desperate Americans who will feel that is worth the family sacrifice too.
Another aspect is that many employees are not given the choice of whether or not to work on Thanksgiving.
K-Mart. I did some reading up on these people and it appears that employees will be scheduled whether they like it or not. Work or be fired.
They open at 6:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving and remain open for 42 hours.
The company spins the situation by saying they try to fill the shifts with volunteers or seasonal hires. However the following signs, posted in K-Mart locations in employee break areas say: "Attention associates - No time off requests will be honored from November 23rd through January 1st due to holiday shopping." And
"Attention All Team Members - Please be advised that on Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Saturday, all team members will be scheduled for the needs of the business. Availabilities will not be accommodated. Thank You. Management."
The thank you is a nice touch.
In addition, many employees are not told until the last minute whether or not they are required to work the holiday. It is as if the company is trying to upset the lives of these people as much as possible. One employee claims in the past her schedule was not made available until the day before Thanksgiving.
She had to work the holiday.
How the hell do you plan for Thanksgiving given that type of uncertainty and disrespect?
Bear in mind that corporations who decide not to open on Thanksgiving may not be entirely altruistic.
It is considered good PR considering the backlash associated with opening on Thanksgiving. And consumer research indicates that 70% of holiday shopping takes place after Thanksgiving.
In the interest of open mindedness I happily admit that there are stores who close on Thanksgiving for the right reason. I applaud them. I love them.
Insight into the poisoned psyches of Americans: A survey by consulting firm Accenture shows that 45% of Americans plan to shop on Thanksgiving. 45%. That is an increase from last year's 38%.
A lot of cold hearted, selfish, insensitive individuals out there.
Dig this half assed stupidity from Radio Shack. They initially announced they would open from 8:00 midnight on Thanksgiving. They changed their tune and decided to close from noon to 5:00 p.m. to "give workers a break."
A corporate memo from chief executive Joe Magnacca,references "issues with personal scheduling" and says the break would "eliminate that concern and still capture the opportunity in the marketplace."
What an idiot.
There can be no argument that stores opening on Thanksgiving and forcing employees to work on that day is disgusting. It is a soul suffocating, life nullifying and horrible thing. When corporations decide for their employees that sales trump family in every situation, family life is dead.
A partial list of stores that will be open on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014: K-Mart, Wal-Mart, J.C.Penny, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, Kohl's, Macy's, Sears and Target.
A partial list of stores that will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014: Barnes and Noble, Bed, Bath and Beyond, B.J's, Burlington Coat Factory, Costco, Home Depot, Joann Fabrics, Sam's Club and T.J. Maxx.
You make the choice.
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