I went out to vote on Tuesday night with an image in my head of Don Quixote tilting against windmills.
Actually that is romantic and melodramatic, but not quite true.
I actually hoped to accomplish something.
I failed miserably.
In reality I ended up being Don Quixote.
republicans now control the House and the Senate. They control Congress.
The vote should have taken place on Halloween because there can be nothing more frightening than that.
My deepest wish was for Democratic initiative and commitment to defeat this possibility. Unfortunately mid-term elections don't get much attention of voter participation. We did not try hard enough.
In Presidential election years, approximately 60% of eligible voters vote. In mid term elections the number drops to 40%.
On Tuesday fewer than 37% of eligible voters voted. In yet one more category, this country is a flaming embarrassment compared to the rest of the world. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance ranks the United States 120th in the world in voter turnout.
We are outraged - supposedly - at our ineffective political system. We are outraged - supposedly - at the way the rich manipulate everything to their advantage while stripping average Americans of the chance to improve their lives. We are outraged - supposedly - at how the rich buy politicians.
Yet we get a chance to do something about it, to fight back with the only weapon we have - the vote - and we end up with less than 37% participation.
I am vomiting with disgust.
Full disclosure - I didn't give damn about voting until 2008. Then I became fully invested.
George Bush's presidency ripped out my insides and woke me up to how an idiot can ruin lives. The idea of a black president intrigued me in a country so morally bankrupt and racially prejudiced.
BUT, as I have told you before (have you been paying attention?), in 2008 I kept a notebook. I put a lot of effort into it. I compared McCain's policies side by side with Obama's policies. I did research, I wrote it all down, I read and re-read what I had learned.
I gave McCain, and republicans, the benefit of the doubt.
That is the last time I did that. It is no longer necessary because republicans have gone so far over the top in stupidity and immorality and ass-kissing of the rich that their transparency is both an insult to intelligence and an open declaration of their callous indifference to the suffering plight of the average American.
Their incompetency, greed, shallowness, and stupidity is openly on display for all to see.
Scott Brown is a perfect example. This lowlife ran for the Senate in Massachusetts and was defeated. He then magically relocated his "home" address to NH and tried to pollute our state in yet another bid for the Senate.
He was defeated again.
What infuriated me the most was Brown's signs that, along with all the other signs, destroyed the landscape of this beautiful state.
The top line on his signs said "Defeat Obama."
Are you fucking serious? That is how uninformed I am. I had no idea Scott Brown was running against President Obama.
republicans are so weak, so vile, that they cannot run on their own agenda; their entire campaign was tied in to smearing President Obama.
Their entire campaign tied in to the seething rage in this country over the improbable election of a black president.
This is why republicans disgust me. They lie to the public and they use those lies to incite emotions that are dangerous.
Extremely dangerous.
Now we have a republican Congress. A result of an apathetic voting public who do not back up their anger with action.
President Obama has to spend the last two years of his presidency dealing with a republican majority.
A majority of idiots, a majority of racists, a majority of misogynists, a majority with decidedly anti gay hostility. People who will act together to rig our voting system against minorities and the poor. People who will advance the interests of the rich at every opportunity while simultaneously destroying opportunity for everyone else. They will act to regress the lives of the working class. Making our lives harsher and devoid of hope.
This country is regressing towards stupidity. We encourage it. We allow it to flourish. Stupidity dominates every aspect of our lives.
President Obama is a brilliant man who, with cooperation, could have achieved great things. republicans set out from day one to thwart him. Now it will be even worse.
This is the fate we deserve. For not voting. For not even trying to fight back.
Stupid people, greedy people, will always act to pervert any situation, to twist it to their specific advantage at the expense of everyone else's welfare, when allowed to act unchecked.
This is where our government has "evolved" to since 2008. 2015 and 2016 will see the situation worsen.
And God forbid a republican is elected president in 2016.
How is it that other countries flourish in democracy, while we poison and pervert it. What is it about Americans that we actively seek to debase and embarrass ourselves.
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