Previous to this time but not this place I warned you about a corporation called BDO.
At the time I was seeing ads with some frequency touting the supremacy of this organization. The ads abated somewhat in frequency but.................
for some strange reason with the advent of the holiday season I am seeing ads with frightening frequency.
From their website: "BDO is the brand name for BDO USA, LLP, a U.S. Professional services firm providing assurance, tax, financial advisory and consulting services to a wide range of publicly traded and privately held companies."
First of all, any company with that many initials in its name is more frightening than the best Stephen King novel.
In the U.S. the firm has 52 offices and more than 400 alliance firm locations nationwide. In addition, "as an independent Member firm of BDO International Limited, BDO serves multi-national clients through a global network of 1,264 offices in 144 countries."
BDO stands for Binder Dijker Otte. These were the original names of their UK, Dutch and German member firms.
They are the fifth largest accountancy network in the world. They reported Global Fee Income of all BDO member firms for the fiscal year ending 9/30/13 totaling $6.45 billion.
In their website they brag about their flexible approach to the work environment, beginning with the following sentence: "Technology and globalization have transformed "work" into a 24/7 reality by eliminating the traditional boundaries around work and our everyday lives."
This is the company featured in those adds where you see and hear high powered professionals discussing an overwhelming work situation. Typically a situation with corporate global financial implications.
The Dufus in the commercial says "But we don't have the resources to handle that."
The Hero says: "I know. That's why I called in BDO."
The only thing that would perfect each commercial would be if the Hero made the sign of the cross as he/she spoke BDO's name.
You know the world is rapidly heading to a place where there is only one employer. All working stiffs will work for this one company.
Or perish.
I have identified BDO as that company. As that future.
Polish up your resume. Perfect your ass kissing skills.
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