Thursday, October 27, 2022


Just watched a movie titled Pig.

Starring Nicholas Cage.

Put aside every negative opinion you have about Nicholas Cage (I have them too) and watch this fucking movie.

Don't watch another movie with The Rock, don't watch Fast and Furious 433, watch Pig.

That is if you don't mind feeling. This movie will stir up your emotions and take a cattle prod to your soul. Take the risk. It won't hurt you to get away from your life for a while.

It's what I call a small movie. It is quiet, it rips open your heart, it tells an improbable story and it tastes so fucking good.

It deals with friendship, betrayal, father/son relationships, the evil in the world, tragedy and loss. The story is set in a world you and I know nothing about, which is so good for the brain.

And it deals with the love between a man and an animal in a raw and honest and powerful way. If you are a pet lover and you do not cry, you are not really a pet lover.

The final scene in the movie is the ultimate expression of aloneness. Painful and raw. Blew me away.

My gut was clenched five minutes into the movie and stayed that way until the end. Not in a tense or fearful way, but in a deeply emotional way.

You bet I cried. More than once.

That's how I know it was a good movie. 

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