Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Come On, Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't just talk about doing shit, you actually have to go out and do it.

Talk is not just cheap, it is cancerous and corrosive. When it becomes a habit, and it takes the place of action, it eats you up. Poisons your soul. Because as the words leave your lips, you yourself know you are full of shit. The guilt feasts on your soul.

You can't waste time, either. Are you fucking kidding me? You will be dead. Today, tomorrow, or on June 23, 2031. There is no time to waste. There is no time to kill.

Get some help. Get advice. Just don't sit around saying "I think I'll do this. I really want to do that. I might even try this."

Grab something by the balls and squeeze the shit out of it.

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