My visits here have become a tad erratic.
This is a situation that must be remedied.
I may include that commitment in the June Manifesto I am considering going public with.
I kicked the living crap out of May. Kind of.
Walked and walked and walked. Ate yogurt for breakfast and lunch many times during the month on work days.
I'll be summing it all up tomorrow. As I thought about and re-considered May it occurred to me that if I really want change I may have to REALLY kick it up.
Go nutsos crazy in a lot of different ways, in a lot of different directions.
Why not push it, not just a little further, but a lot further? What have I got to lose?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I am experiencing inspiration right now. Motivation. Because my body is directly tied to climate.
Winter kills, summer inspires.
Interpreted, this means I am dead for a minimum of eight months out of the year. With only four months of life to work with, change can not be incremental.
It must be monumental.
I am considering laying out specific things that must change or specific things I must do in the month of June.
Always a dangerous undertaking because if I fail miserably you will be there to pound my head with a ball peen hammer.
I do not want my skull attacked with a ball peen hammer.
I'll mull it over for the rest of today which, mercifully, I have off. A slow moving, overcast and humid Sunday to enjoy life and peace with Carol and the cats.
Tomorrow I walk straight ahead into hell once again. Gonna be a miserable week; sale changeover week.
It always sucks. Very physical as displays are taken down and new ones erected in their place. Booze distributor reps whining and complaining as they jockey for bigger commissions. My boss standing in my way instead of working with me.
Tomorrow will be a great test of my bumped up commitment. I will either stagger home and consume 4 - 1.75 bottles of Crown Royal Whisky or I will buckle down in the face of adversity and commit to making June bigger than May.
Much bigger.
Bet you are breathless in anticipation of the outcome.
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