I am feeling ebullient today.
You weren't expecting those words to roll off my fingertips were you? I have been told that I'm dark. On more than one occasion. Reading my blog might give you that impression. I don't consider myself dark. I consider myself a chronicler of the human race. And since the majority of us are depressed or at least disappointed, it's hard not to reflect that in my impressions.
However I do have my moments. This euphoria is actually a carryover from last night. Went to dinner with an old friend of mine. Not old as in age; old as in we have been friends for thirty four years. Dave. He is a magnificent human being. A very accomplished guy, intelligent, sense of humor. If you want to get something done, call Dave. He can do anything. He taught me how to ride a motorcycle. That proves he can do anything. He controls his own life and he lives well. I respect that.
I am lucky enough to have five people in my life that I call friend. Friend is a dangerous word, we misuse it and diminish it. Just look at facebook. Hero is another diminished word. Keith Richards is an inspiration to me but he is NOT my hero. Or a hero. Heroes do truly noble things.
True friends to me are truly magical. They are people who you meet in your life that are not blood related, yet you trust them implicitly. That's how I feel about my friends. I would trust any of them with my life. My friendships are rock solid and deep. My brother is on that list, which makes him unique because he is blood and he is a friend. A two for one deal. Very cool.
Anyway Dave and I had a burger and a beer and a real conversation. I had pictures of my sons and their women to flash around, we talked family, we talked life, we laughed. I can go years without seeing him and still pick up a conversation as if we talked yesterday. However I will not let years go by anymore. He is too valuable in my life.
Driving home on a beautiful faux summer night, windows down, Aerosmith blasting.
"Amazing - It's amazing, with the blink of an eye you finally see the light. It's amazing, when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright." The words smacked me in the face. Because that's where I am at right now. In 2011. I have shifted my thinking, just a little and I am seeing things differently. And it's blowing me away. If I could completely change my perspective I would have to wear a diaper.
It recently occurred to me how lucky I am to be married to Carol. Married for thirty three years and I am just figuring this out. She is the best woman ever invented and a goddamn saint to stick with me for all these years. And she doesn't even need booze and drugs to make it through life or to stay married to me. Incredible. I love her now more than I ever have and it is an amazing feeling. It is bone deep, soul deep and it makes my days shine.
My thoughts shifted to my sons. I worship my sons. Sometimes I think at this point in our lives that they are the father and I am the son. They are doing well, living their lives and I am still bouncing around like a teenager. We laugh together a lot and I consider that an amazing gift.
Of course my sons being the intelligent, sensitive souls that they are, they have brought two woman into my life who I also love. A daughter-in-law and perhaps a future daughter-in-law (sorry Karen - that's Carol's influence). Two women who's company I enjoy. Two intelligent, fun loving strong women.
Then I thought about my brother. The aforementioned two for one deal. We are very close and I am thankful for that. Feels like he is the big brother and I am the little brother but reality is exactly the opposite. He is one cool cat. We talk, we laugh, we are completely at ease in each other's company. And my wife, sons and their women all love him. Tells you every thing you need to know about my brother.
So that was my night. Enjoying the warmth of a deep friendship over a burger and a beer. Thinking about all of my friends with gratefulness. Thinking about my magnificent family with awe. Warm faux summer night cruising, rock 'n roll blasting. That was one hellaciously good night. And I am still feeling it today.
By the way. I had an avocado burger last night. Do you need any more proof than that to know I ain't lying about changing in 2011?
Ciao, baby.
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