Let's talk about pets. First of all, if you tell me you love dogs and hate cats, or love cats and hate dogs, you are not to be trusted. Either you are an animal lover or you're not. If you love some and hate others I fear you are a dangerous person with psychoses hidden deep down that could erupt at any time. A portion of your brain must be damaged for you to be so selective when it comes to life forms that are precious and innocent.
I have two cats and I love them deeply. To me they are not animals, they are not beneath me in stature, they are alternative life forms. They fascinate the hell out of me. They have emotions. You can tell when they are happy or sad or afraid or nervous. You can tell when they are tired or full of energy or mischief. You know when they want love and attention and you know when they want to be left alone. Just like human beings. They are animals but they experience the same feelings we do. That must be the common thread that defines what life is. Whether it is supposedly highly evolved or just an animal.
The coolest thing is that they are completely natural. They don't play games, they don't manipulate you, they don't try to hurt you or take advantage of you. They don't have hangups. They are exactly who they are at all times. When you dig your pet you are digging a soul that is completely exposed. Right out in the open for you to experience. Their souls are not buried deep under layers of self defense and denial. Amazing.
And they definitely have personalities. Lakota is the queen. Slow moving, cool, doing only what she wants, when she wants. Not much disturbs her and she loves everyvody. I worry because she trusts all humans. Very dangerous approach to life. Gorgeous colors. Tortoise shell? She is the super model.She is the senior pet. Been around for years, dealt with other pets and the comings and goings of various human inhabitants.
Maka is the stereotypical definition of a cat. Endlessly inquisitive and deeply insane. She is small and in shape so she can go anywhere in the house. On top of, underneath, behind, around and through. She is the athlete. And a great jumper. An incessant talker. She is also achingly cute when she wants to be. Loves to be held. Calico markings. Not beautiful like Lakata but quirkily adorable.
They hear things before we do, see things, smell things, sense things. If my senses were that sharp I would be in the NH Home for Morons, Psychopaths and Mental Defectives. It would be too much. Makes you wonder. If we didn't have so many hangups maybe we would be as tuned in as they are.
I believe they experience our feelings intuitively. Somehow they read our moods. I think our emotions envelop them like a force field or like humidity. I feel bad for my cats because I am an endless emotion machine. I can sit in my recliner, alone in the house before going to work, and run through hope, despair, happiness, depression, insanity and fear in the space of fifteen minutes as I ponder my miserable existence. Must be like a ping pong ball of emotion bouncing around the room. But the cats handle it well. They take me with a grain of salt. As does my wife.
Had a dog once. Onyx. The greatest dog who ever lived. Part Irish setter, part Black Lab. Did I need to capitalize black? The only dog I ever had. He was a great friend to my sons. My parents did not allow pets. Suggests some defect in their makeup, but that's a story for another place and time.
I would stand in depression or fear or anxiety in my kitchen. Leaning against the sink under the little butterfly thing that Craig made in kindergarten. Deep in thought. Onyx would walk up to me and nudge my hand with his nose. I would be overcome with love for him in those moments. Many times my tears woul drip onto him as I bent down to kiss his head. I stood in that position many times and more often than not Onyx would come over to ease my pain. He knew. He felt it. And he knew he could help.
Here's my point. Your pets are not just animals, they are not there only as a diversion. They are love. They are natural spirits, their souls can illuminate your soul. And they are not afraid to expose their soul to you. You can learn from watching them. They are there to try to help you strip away some of your defenses. They want you to FEEL. They want to snuggle up to the real you. Not the you who crawls to work every day. They want you to live and love.
Dig your pets. Pay attention to them and give them all your love at every opportunity. They are more spiritual than you will ever be and a lot smarter.
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