Wine is marijuana. Marijuana is wine.
They vibrate at the frequency of life.
Marijuana is a delightful drug. I don't think of it as a social drug. I would much rather get high alone than in company.
Alone I can think thoughts, alone I can move to a different dimension in my mind and change my perspective, even if only temporarily. Socially it seems that conversation suffers as pot smokes the mind like pork in a smokehouse. If you get to the laughing point it can be cool but todays' pot ain't the pot of my youth. It is ultra strong and I like it like that.
It bends my already warped mind.
I once had a conversation with a tree thanks to pot. At one difficult point in my life I was working a second shift warehouse job. We were in a heap of trouble and I was pretty pissed off. I didn't have to be to work until 4:00 and I felt an obligation to drink whiskey and smoke pot before going to work.
It was a gorgeous summer day, I sat a lawn chair in the yard and fired up a beauty. I smoked more of it than I intended and was suddenly captivated by this tree that was a couple of feet away from me. I started talking to it. Looking for wisdom. Looking for answers. I believed the pot had transported me to a natural place where I was one with that tree.
I never got any answers, no insight at all, but the conversation was no less fruitful than most conversations with humans.
True story.
An aside: I was frequently reprimanded on that job for sloppy work. I could never understand why.
I also don't like to mix pot and booze, although I do it frequently. If I smoke first then drink, the high alters the chemistry of the drunk. I don't enjoy the booze as much. If I drink first and then smoke I might as well put a lampshade over my head and stay close to a toilet.
Pot is harmless and provides great benefits. It is a natural high that is in tune with your body. And there ain't no hangover. Those in power have been demonizing pot for decades, to no avail. They cannot prove addiction or health risks so they fall back upon the lame "gateway drug" paranoia.
Pot is as much a gateway drug as milk is a gateway drink. All drug addicts and alcoholics have consumed milk in their lives. It is time for the government to commission an exhaustive study investigating the potential connection between milk drinking and addiction.
Wine is a delight. When you pour wine down your throat, your body thanks you. Wine is natural, it is healthy, it is in tune with your body. The health effects of wine have been touted by the medical community for years and I believe them to be true.
I love whiskey but I have to admit whiskey is not gentle. Whiskey speaks to me, I choose it over any other hard liquor, but I know it ravages my body. Slowly if I live in this dimension, exponentially if I live in the dimension of my mind which sees the truth but can't get at it.
My budget prevents me from drinking the wines that I need. I end up drinking cheap wine that is acidic and gives me no pleasure. No, I am not talking Thunderbird and MD 20/20, although I was not adverse to drinking those along with Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill in my formative years.
You need to spend some coin to get good wine. I can't afford the better wines that I have tasted, which frustrates me because they infused my body with taste and warmth and health and created within me a desire to continue along that path.
When I am rich and famous I will drink fine wine and cut down on the whiskey. My liver is on it's knees praying for that day to come quickly.
I soulfully believe that marijuana and wine are natural, they are good for you, they promote health in your mind and your body.
They have an elegance and a subtleness about them that makes you a better person.
The world desperately needs an exponential increase in better people.
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