Monday, February 9, 2015


Life is so small, limited both in scope and possibility. Especially as the end approaches at warp speed.

Winter makes it smaller.

Winter takes things away. Winter restricts options and space.

The snow flies, the temperature drops and life gets played closer to the vest. Focused on the immediate, digging out, bundling up, moving slower, wasting time on these things as hope drifts further away into the future.

Delayed. Unfocused. On hold.

February is particularly vicious.

Because it is short. So short it offers no room to re-group, no chance to fight back. Because statements of false cheer like "the snow is so beautiful" have a hollow ring four months in. Because the groundhog failed once again, because each winter day lasts 48 hours while summer days last 15 minutes.

Summer is deep, peace-inducing breaths. Winter is short, asthmatic panic.

Life feels so small, so limited, and it moves so damn fast.

Winter feels like a shocking waste of time.

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