Here we go, kids - I will be taking a ride on the Cancer Treatment Express.
Met with the radiologist yesterday. All systems go with this prostate cancer thing.
Starts with hormone therapy. Next week. He explained that hormone therapy works like chemotherapy - it attacks the cancer and shrinks it so the radiation can be more effective.
Side effects? Hot flashes, for one. Carol got a kick out of that when I told her. Excessive weight gain is another. He told me if I just eat like I normally do I will blow up like a balloon. He suggested a low carb diet and said I need to be very serious about it. He also pointed out that alcohol is high in carbs. Thanks, doc.
So just like that I go from the high of the bone scan guy telling me to go ahead and have a couple of drinks before the procedure, to the low of the radiologist telling me alcohol is evil.
This is going to require big changes from me. This is a moment. A lot will be required of me and if I don't follow through there will be serious consequences.
Strangely enough I am kind of up for it. Maybe this is the kick in the ass I need to change my life physically. I have been eating and drinking too much and have been too down to do anything about it.
The kids in the neighborhood already call me Fatty Fatty Fuck Fuck. It's embarassing. Next step is Jabba the Hutt. I can't let that happen. I probably won't lose any weight but I am going to try damn hard not to gain any.
Hormone therapy lasts 2 to 2 and1/2 months. Then radiation starts.
45 visits. 5 days a week for 9 weeks. That will put a crimp in my routine.
Side effects? Fatigue. A tendency to have to go to the bathroom more often. Doesn't sound like the end of the world.
On a positive note I am moving up in the world of serious diseases. In competition with Carol.
Carol has been getting all the headlines. Breast cancer. Brain tumor. Me? Stage I melanoma. Come on, man - baby stuff.
Now I can square my shoulders, thrust my jaw out in pride and say "Yup, got me a case of that there prostate cancer. I surely hope I don't die from it." That will get peoples' attention. Might even get Carol's attention.
I don't know though - she is the MVP of disease in this family. It will be an honor for me just to be mentioned in the same breath.
So there you have it. Life turns on a dime. I mean this has been coming on for 2 or 3 years so it is not a surprise, but now it is NOW.
I watched Sarge fight like a son of a bitch against lung cancer. I watched Carol fight like a son of a bitch against breast cancer and a brain tumor. Two family members who set a high bar for Positive Attitude and Fight.
They showed me how it's done. I always wondered if I would have that kind of strength. I am about to find out.
I think I am up for it.
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