It is important to live as small a life as you possibly can.
That way you have a much shorter distance to fall.
Play by the rules, pay your taxes, behave yourself, never complain, do as your told - boring, yes, but nobody promised you that life would be exciting. Be punctual!
Grind it out, baby.
Life is not meant to be exciting. At least not for the common folk. Be grateful. That is what's drummed into your head. If you are grateful you will be happy.
Of course, that is propaganda passed down from on high and by those who have money, or make money by selling you self-help/self-improvement books.
U2 have a song called "Numb". A sample of the lyrics:
"Don't move, don't talk out of time, don't think, don't worry, everything's just fine......................don't grab, don't clutch, don't hope for too much, don't breathe, don't achieve.........................don't check, just balance on the fence, don't answer, don't ask, don't try and make sense....................."
You get the point. If not, google the word irony.
Living a small life is a sin against humanity. A crime against nature. It is deliberate murder of your soul.
A small life is safe. That's the problem. The mindless chant "Live life to the fullest." But they do the opposite. They live life to the emptiest.
You recognize that hollow feeling you experience every morning when you get up?
That is your soul being dead.
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