Every Thursday and Friday morning I go hunting for deer.
As I drive to HELL I check the side of the road for deer. I haven't seen one since that day I summoned one out of thin air.
A week ago I turned right out of my driveway, got about three houses down the road to see a deer standing right in the middle of the road. Broadside. Looking into the woods.
I slowed down in awe. She casually turned her head to look at me. As nonchalant as could be. Then she walked off into the woods.
That had to mean something. Right?
A divine message. Inspiration. Indicative of good tidings.
My battered soul hungers for spiritual confirmation. Even as my brain says "no fucking way."
I want mystery. I want ethereal. I want a presence in or out of this world that is gentle, loving, all knowing and well meaning.
We all need something or someone on our side. Someone with power and wisdom.
Life is a cheese grater. Ethereal is body armor.
Carol saw a deer on our road yesterday. This is big news. Two sightings in a week and a half.
When we first moved here 35 years ago we saw deer all the time. Often in our own back yard. 2 or 3 at a time. We all became so comfortable that we invited them into our home, sat down and broke bread together.
Now we almost never see deer. Why? Where have they gone? Maybe they just decided that humans suck ( a not uncommon point of view in general). Maybe the population has dwindled. I don't know.
I only know that seeing that deer in the road lifted my spirits. No small feat.
Maybe deer have an acidometer. You know, they sense that someone is full of nitric acid up to his eyeballs, and they better do something before he dissolves into invisibility.
A quick sighting, acid abates, problem solved. Temporarily.
Who knows. I only know I appreciate the consideration.
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