I am working my way through a conversation between Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers.
They cover many interesting topics. One of which is the inability today for people to think for themselves. I believe that has always been the case, and I believe that it is the crushing requirement to "work for a living" that heavily contributes to conformity, the breaking of the spirit.
Aaron Rodgers: "People are conditioned not to think anymore. People don't want to think for themselves, they are conditioned to do exactly what they are told to do."
Joe Rogan: "People are conditioned at work. Corporations have strict rules - behavior rules, dress code rules, language rules, rules about what time you are supposed to be there, and about the amount of work you're supposed to do. People are conditioned to have someone tell them what they can and cannot do. They get off on Friday and can't wait to get drunk, to escape this grind of a world.
A person who can become autonomous - have their own business, call their own shots - that's the biggest freedom a person can have in this culture. Most people don't have that, don't have the ability to think for themselves, because it has been taken away from them because they have to make a living."
Joe Rogan, on trying to figure out what he wanted to do for a living as a young man: "Nothing I studied was interesting to me in terms of making a living. Traditional jobs...everything looked like death - death of fun, death of hopes and dreams."
I have been preaching that philosophy in here for eleven years. Have you not been paying attention?
Working "for a living" kills you. And not thinking for yourself is the most important character trait those in power want you to have.
Unfortunately there is no easy solution. Almost everybody has to work. And the majority of people have no attractive options.
We pretend that "you can be anything you want to be." That is fucking bullshit. It is propaganda. You have to have certain advantages to even have options. The majority of people do not have advantages. So they take whatever jobs come along and they stick it out and suffer all their lives, with the exception of drunken Friday nights.
People like me have advantages in life, and many of us waste them, just fucking piss them away, and wind up taking whatever jobs come along, sticking it out and suffering all our lives, except for our drunken Friday nights. People like me commit crimes against humanity.
The dagger to my heart in Rogan's words came when he talked about considering career options when he was young. When he was in high school and college. He said that all the traditional jobs he looked at looked like death; death of fun, death of hopes and dreams.
That is exactly right. The worst part of all this is that we know it when we do it, and we march straight into hell anyway, because we have to make a living. And, you are 18 years old or 20 or 22 when you are making these decisions. You know nothing about life or who you are or what you should be doing.
You are uninformed and you wind up in prison. Life sentence.
It is a sad reality.
Those of us with certain advantages would do well to learn to fucking think for ourselves.
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