Thursday, September 22, 2022

Seventh Son

If I was the seventh son of a seventh son, surely, I would hold maximum sway.

Life would cower before me, I would get everything I want, and friends and foe alike would fear me.

My financial holdings would strain the resources of the three largest banks in the world and I would not fear the future - I would be eternally secure.

I am not even close. I am the first son of a first son. But shit, man - that should hold some power, shouldn't it? It is nothing to sneeze at. First sons are magical, mystical and life changing. They promise to carry the family name forward. That's a heavy load, baby.

The way things are now, my family name will disappear with my sons. Strange feeling. Maybe I should do something spectacular before I die.

I am trying to find some magic, baby. There's some magic out there for me. I know it. I feel it.

I am rooting around like a truffle hog after the delicacy defined as fulfillment.

Yubba Dubba Do

Editor's Note: As I wrote this I considered name checking the top three banks in the world. As of April 2021, Wikipedia has a list of the top 100 banks in the world.The first four banks on the list are all Chinese. Does this not disturb you? It does me.

As we fight our petty squabbles here in the good ole US of A, other countries are concentrating on more important goals - like world domination. Finance will get you there.

The United States has been backsliding for decades. I fear we are past the point of no return. We are poised for a fall, precipitated by internal factors and external factors.

If democracy dies, it won't even fucking matter.

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