It's called the Affordable Care Act, stupid.
From Day One I have hated the morons who dubbed it Obamacare. republicans are juvenile. Seriously. They act like thirteen year olds, coming up with insulting catch phrases to disrespect President Obama. "I know you are but what am I?" That is the level republicans operate on.
It really pissed me off when Democrats started using the phrase too. It is mocking, it is insulting.
Thank you Justice Roberts for swinging the vote. I am not sure of your motivations; if you did it to improve the image of the High Court your motive is suspect. I prefer to believe that you believe the act is constitutional. Whatever the reason it is good it was upheld.
There is fierce argument over the ACA. The problem is that President Obama and his people never thoroughly explained it to the American people. People don't understand it. How the hell can you? It is 2,700 pages long.
The amoral business climate in this country created the need for it in the first place. The insurance industry placed greed ahead of the health of its customers. The system evolved to the point where an insurance company's focus is to minimize payouts. So they deny coverage or force customers to settle for inadequate coverage that jeopardizes their health. They do whatever the hell they want to.
The medical community exacerbated the problem with sky rocketing costs that are indefensible.
Something had to be done and President Obama did it.
He will not get the appropriate credit for it, though. He saved the auto industry, propped up the banking system, mildly jolted the economy into moving forward, killed Osama bin Laden, brought the troops home from Iraq.
If George Bush did this, especially bin Laden, there would have been eternal parades cycling around the country and his face would have been painted on the outside of the White House (which would reduce the tourist population in D.C. considerably).
President Obama gets quiet recognition and amazingly enough, buckets of poisonous barbs sent his way.
F***ing republicans.
They are now hell bent on repealing the Affordable Care Act. They will lie to you, distort facts and generally confuse you to the point where you think the ACA will bring about the downfall of this country.
Do not take them at their word. Use your head. Get to the truth.
And in a related story..............................
Think about this election. Think hard about this election. There is so much to consider, it is impossible to understand and keep up with all the issues.
Read, watch TV - right wing and left wing - get info and make up your mind.
Reducing it to the simplest level. Think about this. For almost four full years now republicans have thwarted and delayed and poisoned every move President Obama has tried to make. Regardless of the impact on the lives of Americans.
Recently, the republicans openly said that they will do nothing between now and the election, waiting for the outcome.
You personally, the country as a whole and the entire world is on the brink of financial collapse. That is not hyperbole. It is truth.
And republicans choose to play games, to stall, to do nothing in cretinous defiance. Again, acting like thirteen year olds.
Are these the kind of people you want to hold your future in their hands?
They have the power to work in a bi-partisan way to save you. They choose not to. And your job security, the value of your home, your ability to take care of your family, your financial security are all at risk.
These are the people that Mitt Romney represents.
If you vote for him you might as well put a gun to your head because you will end up with nothing.
President Obama did what he had to, to improve health care in this country. Something every president since FDR has been trying to do.
He is trying to improve the way our government functions, trying to make it more responsive to THE PEOPLE WHO PUT THESE SPINELESS POLITICIANS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
President Obama will nudge this country forward. Romney will destroy it.
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