Ann Romney and the "all you people" quote. Talking about her husband's tax returns. There is controversy about whether she actually said "all you people". Isn't anything ever black and white? Actually I just watched the clip three times and could not determine definitively that that is what she said. Although it sounded pretty clear to me last night on TV.
But it sounds like it to me. And it is not hard to believe given her prissy, entitled, rich girl demeanor. You could argue that the "you people" was directed at the media, and that would make sense. You could just as easily argue that it was directed at us wee folk because that is how the rich look down upon us.
You people.
What I find amusing about this is that as I read Last Call, a great book about Prohibition, it is mentioned over and over how the wealthy considered themselves above the law. They had the money, they had the space for extravagant wine cellars, and they had the aura of entitlement. They felt the law was directed towards the working class for their own good. There are many quotes in the book from the wealthy, and they were big names back then; Carnegie, Mellon, Ford, J.P.Morgan - titans of the business world and rich beyond imaginability for those times.
And the consistent theme was that prohibition would keep alcohol out of the hands of the working class resulting in more productivity on the job, obviously benefiting the rich business owners. It was also thought that the working class was too stupid to look after themselves and that it was the responsibility of the rich to do so.
These types of comments were made openly by the wealthy. Of course this was a different class of rich pigs; they saw themselves as invincible and felt justified in being open with their opinions, however insulting.
This is how the rich see us, it is how they have always seen us and how they always will see us. Romney would never come out and call the working class stupid; he doesn't have the guts and it would not favorably impact his campaign.
But if, God forbid, he does get elected, you better believe we will instantaneously become "you people" as he slaps the backs of and laughs derisively with the ultra rich pigs who bought him the presidency.
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