"I wish this president would learn how to be an American. ............he has no idea how the American system functions."Former (thank God) NH governor John Sununu.
"I think it can now be said, without equivocation, that this man hates this country. He is trying - Barack Obama is trying - brick by brick, to dismantle the American Dream." Rush Limbaugh
"The Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the American government." Michele Bachmann
"President Obama's course as President is extraordinarily foreign." Mitt Romney
In the past, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint has said that "this is the most anti-American administration in his lifetime."
Any of those comments resonate with you? Because if you agree with them, if you nod your head, if you get a satisfied feeling in your gut just reading those words, you should be stripped of your right to vote, stripped naked, smeared with red paint, branded with an r on your forehead and forced to stand in the town square.
Outrageous attacks are standard in presidential races, which says a lot about the mentality of this country. I swear that we Americans are determined to live as teenagers, intellectually stunted, emotionally unstable and full on proud of our immaturity.
Dukakis, Kerry and Gore endured insulting attacks to name a recent few.
The attacks this time are more pointed, more consistent and have one common thread - to capitalize on President Obama's blackness and paint him as a communist, pinko, socialist weirdo outsider.
Because the racist American public is looking for reasons. Reasons to hide their Romney vote from the stigma of racism and pretend there are valid reasons to vote for the man.
Sununu is a former elected official. Bachmann is a state rep, DeMint is a Senator. These people should know better. They are or were elected officials and this is how they choose to represent their constituents?
You can dismiss Limbaugh more easily because he is just a radio guy looking to entertain and expand his audience, his bank account and his prodigious gut.
But the frightening thing is that there is an audience out there lapping up his bulls**t as if it were Bud Light.
The comment you should be most concerned about is Romney's. This a**hole is running for president. President Obama made the point that anybody who succeeds in this country gets help from someone somewhere. An undeniable truth.
Yet Romney jumps on it and twists it to say that President Obama said that people like Steve Jobs, Ray Kroc, and Papa John are not self made men. That they did not build their own businesses. He's playing to the concept of the (phony baloney) American Dream. Trying to make it look like President Obama is undermining the success of fortunate men, trying to make a case against the American Dream.
Notice how he picks recognizable icons, by the way? People he knows will spark an immediate emotional response in small minded Americans.
"What? Papa John not a self made man? President Obama IS a communist, pinko, socialist, (black), un-American."
Think, people. Please think. I am not putting myself out there as a brilliant individual. Truthfully I just started thinking about two months ago and I am 58 years old. But it is an interesting concept and one I think I can eventually get the hang of.
You know when you take a walk in the country and something slithers into the woods to your left? You don't really see it, just catch a peripheral glimpse but you get a sense that it left behind it a trail of slime. And that if somehow you were able to touch it, you would recoil in horror and it would take repeated washings with industrial strength cleaners to get that noxious substance off your skin.
That slithering something is Mitt Romney.
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