Monday, July 9, 2012

The Ultimate Super Hero Showdown (kind of)

I visualize this presidential election as the ultimate super hero showdown.
I did a little research to see which super hero battle comic book nerds feel was the greatest. And of course there are lists. Hotly contested lists.
I'm OK with this. Everybody needs an escape. Including my even tempered wife Carol who spends every night crocheting so she won't have to look at my ugly face or listen to my inane banter. Especially the inane banter. I make a bizarre comment to which there is no response. After a few seconds she says "I'm sorry. I was counting." Perfect.
Anyway I went through a few lists and it was stuff like The Hulk vs. The Thing, Batman vs. Superman, Spider Man vs. The Green Goblin and Superman vs. Captain Marvel. And a whole bunch of other ones I don't care about and don't want to care about like The Masters of Evil, The Avengers, JLA, Deathstroke, Bullseye and Elektra.
The problem is it became impossible for me to visualize Romney as a super hero. I just can't do it.
I suddenly realized this is not a battle between super heroes, it is a battle between a super hero and a super villain.
Superman and Lex Luthor.
Dig this description of Lex from a comic book website: "Lex Luthor is one of the most dangerously intelligent men on the planet - a super villain, a brilliant scientist, a billionaire industrialist and Superman's greatest enemy. This combination makes him an extremely powerful and formidable opponent; he is ruthless, efficient and creative. In addition to his personal vendetta against the man who thwarts his every scheme, he despises the alien Man of Steel from an ideological standpoint for contradicting his human achievements. Luthor has always been a controversial figure in the public eye due to LexCorp's corrupt business dealings, but he has also maintained political popularity."
Is that not Romney? That is f***ing perfect. I did not make that up.
I had to figure out the source of each man's power in this campaign.
For President Obama it is obviously his intelligence. His charisma and his charm. And that bewitching smile.
I hate to see him campaign because it feels like he is dumbing himself down to immerse himself in the cesspool of American politics. Then again it's kind of like watching Stephen Hawking competing against a kindergarten child. One who has not been red shirted. And I definitely dig President Obama's speechifying; the man is mesmerizing in a way few orators are.
Romney's powers come from collective stupidity. He draws his strength from the mass of uninformed Americans who make voting decisions based on what they know to be blatant lies, based on racist hatred, based on anti-intellectual backlash (we hate smart people in this country), based on fear of change.
The battle truly is epic from the standpoint that Romney represents politics (and business) as usual in this country complete with false promises, outright lies, ass kissing of the rich coupled with total disregard for the common man, and a painfully obvious sense of disconnection from the lives led by the majority of the people struggling in this country.
President Obama represents change. It is difficult to see because the republicans have steadfastly opposed him on every single issue, not on the basis of intelligent evaluation but strictly to make him look bad, to defeat him at all costs. Including the cost of thrusting you and me and this entire country into financial ruin.
Anyway Superman and Lex are going at it.
I take comfort in knowing that Lex Luthor has only defeated Superman temporarily, never with finality. He may get his hands on some kryptonite but Superman always finds a way to get back.
I look forward to the presidential debates when I envision Superman reducing Lex to the sniveling, cowardly, poseur that he is.
Lex will get that look on his face, that twisted, tortured Christ he beat me again look. The look that reveals his true nature.
And Superman will be standing in that classic pose, hands on hips, cape swirling behind him as he looks to the sky in victory and goodness.
I desperately need to see that pose on the night of November 6.

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