I am bitterly disappointed in President Barack Obama today.
I am uncomfortable, off balance and confused. There is a hideous sinking feeling in my heart that President Obama could actually lose this election.
I was literally uncomfortable sitting in my recliner watching the debate last night. President Obama was off his game. He was hesitant, he stammered, he was not forceful. He had no presence on that stage.
Romney was on the attack. He was smooth, articulate and unstoppable.
When it was over I expected President Obama to call a press conference and say "I just tip my hat and call Mitt Romney my daddy."
A lot of claims were made during the debate. I just went through an analysis of those claims on a website called FactCheck.org, and to be honest they made the point that both candidates stretched the truth or exaggerated certain points.
This disappoints me as well because I respect President Obama's intelligence and his integrity. I think his comments came from a position of discomfort; he looked uncomfortable on that stage, I do not think he was in control and I think he got carried away. I think he was defensive.
I never in a million years thought Romney could do that to him.
If you care about this election - and it could very well be the most important presidential election this country has ever faced - you will go through FactCheck.org and compare exaggerations.
If you don't care about this election and Romney wins, I hope you enjoy losing your house and your job and living under the rule of a president who will decimate this country and destroy the middle class.
My impression, and I am devotedly partisan I admit, is that the exaggerations Romney made were huge and centered on emotional issues that he knows frightened Americans will gobble up.
Suggesting that a government board will dictate treatments to the sick, claiming that the deficit has doubled under President Obama, exaggerating reduction of middle-class income under President Obama, inflating the number of unemployed people and the number of people who will "lose" their health insurance under The Affordable Care Act, exaggerating the number of jobless college graduates, and lying about the effect of the 716 billion dollar expense cuts President Obama instituted in Medicare.
Romney's performance was the perfect illustration of the republican party's willingness to lie, to exaggerate, and to manipulate hot emotional issues to sway voters.
The facts are irrelevant.
My deepest disappointment came from President Obama's unwillingness to fight.
He is an honorable man and a smart one. He doesn't want to roll around in the mud.
You cannot succeed in America with honor and intelligence. You have to fight like a pig, you have to be comfortable lying, you have to cheat, you have to attack.
As John Lennon said you have to learn to "smile as you kill."
These are the rules we have adopted in this country.
American voters are too stupid and too lazy to investigate facts. They want a reality TV President.
When President Obama first took office and had a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate, he should have bullied his way to a new political reality.
He didn't. He didn't fight.
In 2010 republicans gained a majority in the House and they have defied the President on strictly partisan grounds ever since.
In the remaining debates President Obama has to get in Romney's face, challenge him, accuse him, expose his lies, pin him down like a f***ing butterfly on a board.
Romney "won" the debate last night as the reality TV candidate.
President Obama has to forget about honor and get in there and fight. Doesn't matter what he says, doesn't matter if he out and out lies; what matters is the image he projects. If he punched Romney in the face he would probably pick up 50% of republican votes.
Romney looked like a winner last night because he had swagger. President Obama looked like a loser last night because he hesitated.
Anybody with a brain in their head knows that Romney is a fool and President Obama is a genius.
I am worried about the vice presidential debate now. Because Biden is an emotional and an honorable guy who often shoots from the hip. Ryan is a cold, calculating liar with no sense of morality who will say or do anything to shred Joe Biden.
If Ryan comes out looking like a winner, President Obama will have a lot to overcome in his next debate.
President Obama has consistently taken the higher ground in an attempt to raise the ethical and intellectual level of politics in America.
That is a waste of time because politicians represent the ultimate evolution of greed, immorality, viciousness and stupidity given birth by the American way of life.
The President has to get mean and get comfortable exposing Romney for the fool and the hypocrite that he is.
The President plays by the rules. republicans do not.
President Barack Obama has to realize there are no rules when you are competing against people who will look directly into the eyes of desperate Americans and lie to them, tell them anything they want to hear in order to get elected. People who, after taking office, will turn their backs on those desperate Americans and leave them to fend for themselves in an economy that those elected officials and their wealthy supporters have stacked in their own favor. And who have never even tried to hide that fact because they count on American stupidity.
H.L. Mencken: "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
In the next debate President Obama has to kick Mitt Romney in the balls.
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