I almost vomited as I ate lunch after returning from a scintillating dentist visit.
Watching Andrea Mitchell interview John Sununu about last night's debate.
He said: "What the people saw last night, I think, was a President that revealed his incompetence, How lazy and detached he is, and how he has absolutely no idea how serious the economic problems of the country are, and how he has failed to even begin to address them."
Mitchell was visibly shocked and repulsed, and told Sununu she was going to give him a chance to take it back and asked him if he really intended to call President Obama lazy.
Sununu replied: "Yes, he didn't want to prepare for this debate. He's lazy and disengaged."
John Sununu is a fat jowled, privileged piece of sh**.
Lazy is a code word used to mask racist attitudes. Whites have been calling blacks lazy since the first time they slapped chains on them and forced them to do the white man's bidding.
Above and beyond that, Sununu shows no respect for the office of the President of The United States and the man who holds it. Because President Barack Obama is black.
Sununu is a campaign co-chair (whatever that means) and a top Romney advisor. In other words this is a guy Romney allows to speak for him.
He has previously been quoted as saying: "The President clearly demonstrated that he has absolutely no idea how the American economy functions. The men and women all over America who have worked hard to build these businesses, their businesses, from the ground up, is how our economy became the envy of the world - it is the American way. I wish this president would learn how to be an American."
republicans privately applaud comments like this and publicly avoid criticizing the idiots who make them.
Romney, jerk off that he is, is running for the office of President of The United States.
And he is comfortable with a top advisor making racist comments and incendiary "Obama is not an American" comments.
If you can't see the racist, vile, destructive, vicious, stupidity of Romney and his entire campaign than it is a miracle to me that you can even feed and clothe yourself.
If you see it and choose to ignore it than you are no better than a common cockroach.
This is the same Sununu, when working for King George the 1st, took a Presidential helicopter to NH for a DENTIST APPOINTMENT and saw nothing wrong with it. Mr.Sununu and Romney think they are the elite (sorry eli)of the country with their credo of "I live for me and the rest of you die". This just in "Romney sez he was wrong" about the 47% comment. Hopefully we can convince another 4% to see whats in store for them.