Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Root Of All Happiness

Money is the root of all happiness.
An evil depression, dark and suffocating, invades a home stressed with financial hardship.
We humans strive harder, plot and plan, move quicker and with more urgency, to get more money to lighten the load.
We are as trained laboratory rats performing tricks to get the cheese. But evil moves the cheese always just beyond our reach.
Lines deepen on the face, the body feels weaker, the mind has no inspiration and becomes dull with sacrifice and repetition.
Dreams of a sack full of money falling off the back of a truck pass as hope.
Or a lottery ticket.
The darkness of futility, of oppression, the awareness of being forced to play a game that cannot be won invades the home, the life, and the weight of it all slows you down at precisely the time you need to move faster to survive.
There is only one escape. One path to a lightening of the load.
Opportunities are lost, the world closes in tighter every day and stacks the odds ever higher against escape.
And yet one truth remains incontestable.
Money is the root of all happiness.

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