Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Decisions have to have weight and heft.

They have to be solid enough to hold in your hand.

A decision is something you do in your head, so there is constant danger, more often realized than not, of the decision remaining ethereal.

Statistics show that 103% of decisions are never acted upon. The 3% comes from backward movement. You decide not to do something anymore and wind up doing even more of it.

It is an impressive thing when a decision is translated into action. When somebody actually changes their life or something in their life as a result of determination, experience, wisdom and exasperation, desperation and disgust.

True decisions, decisions that cause cell change, that are acted upon, are powerful. More so if they are kept internal. Announcing decisions to the world cheapens them. There is a magic balance there, some relation to alchemy, where a decision exposed to the the whim of another human, begins to rust. To lose strength and mutate into the realm of excuses.

Decisions are comfort food for the mind. We make them all the time. It makes us feel better. Then we forget about them and continue down the same worn path.

How many times have you heard somebody say "I'm gonna do this from now on." Or "I am not going to do this anymore." And a thousand variations thereof.

How many times have those words echoed inside your own skull?

How many times have those words been followed up on?

Begs the question of whether or not a decision is even a decision if it is not acted upon.

Decisions have to be made to get to happiness. Decisions have to be made to improve a life. They have to be made and they have to be built upon.

Humans excel at self directed deviousness. We sneak up on ourselves and tell ourselves lies that some part of us chooses to believe. A truly weird process when you think about it.

Your brain knows you are lying because you have been there before, but there is a diseased speck of grey matter that chooses to believe. Or pretends to believe.

And that is how we sleep at night.

We are all essentially cowards. It is easier to keep absorbing the pain then it is to make the decisions and act upon them that will move us closer to living in harmony with our souls.

How bizarre. How bizarre.

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