Been listening to candidates crank up the bullshit machine in preparation for the 2016 presidential election.
When are we going to hold politicians accountable?
We had eight years of the George Bush regime. The United States being run by a complete idiot, controlled by puppeteer Dick Cheney.
That reality alone is quite frightening.
Bush made so many ridiculous comments, made so many stupid mistakes and gave us so many catatonic stares, that he reduced the Presidency to buffoonery.
Made us the laughing stock of the world.
Now we have had six years of President Barack Obama.
A presidency marked by stubborn, unjustified opposition by republicans devoted to thwarting every initiative the President can come up with.
Not for the good of the country or to support the republican point of view. Purely to attempt to deliver President Obama's tenure stillborn.
In the process the republicans have caused great harm to this country.
And along the way we have listened to and witnessed stupidity on the grandest level imaginable.
These clowns come across as complete fools and are not ashamed to project that image as publicly as possible.
Here comes the prelude to 2016.
I was listening to another idiot not answer questions and offer no solutions. He did the politico dance; shucking and jiving, ducking and diving.
I almost vomited.
You could make the argument that our entire history of politics is a mockery; a collection of smoothly polished lies designed to dupe voters into voting against their own best interests.
I think the last 14 years have established a new low.
A new low in morality, manipulation, and behind the scenes politicking that does not factor in the best interests of this country or its citizens.
A political machine that feeds on itself for the sole purpose of grabbing more power and more money to benefit elected officials and their special interest contributors.
The last 14 years have dramatically reduced our stature in the eyes of the world. Our politicians look like fools and our political process looks like a joke.
What will it take over the next year and a half to get to the truth? To force politicians to say and do things of substance?
I'm thinking cattle prods and lie detectors.
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