Saturday, July 4, 2015

Random Delights

As detailed in the previous post, I was feeling quite thin this week.

Like a ghost.

Driving to work yesterday, I pop "Blood and Candle Smoke" into the magical CD player. Tom Russell.

This CD is so rich in music, lyrics, cultural references and just plain "feel" that I love it deeply.

It filled me up.

Once again I was grateful and amazed at the way music can sweep all the bullshit aside and make you feel like a human being.

My mind was engaged, my emotions were true and I brushed close up against a feeling of self worth.

Tom Russell was introduced into my life in the way I enjoy the most.


I devour music, read about it, hear about it, watch and listen to it being performed. I am somewhat knowledgeable.

However not everything can be known.

Tom Russell performed on Letterman years ago. Didn't know the man, never heard of him, never heard from him.

He sang "East of Woodstock, West of Viet Nam" and I was stunned. Hooked.

Purchased "Blood and Candle Smoke", which contains that song, and was overwhelmed by the depth of all of the music on the CD.

My earliest random discovery was Billy Joel.

My mother used to watch The Mike Douglas show in the afternoon. I came home from school one day and there was Billy Joel singing "New York State of Mind."

I loved it. So soulful. Making New York feel like a small town. I own pounds of Billy Joel music today.

My favorite random discovery is Leonard Cohen.

We went to see "Natural Born Killers" in 1994. Leonard Cohen had a couple of songs on the soundtrack.

I was blown away. Absolutely in love with the lyrics and his style. Who is this guy?

Bear in mind Mr. Cohen was already 60 years old at the time and had already achieved fame and fortune as a poet, writer, lyricist and performer.

I was too closed in to be aware of him.

I fell in love with everything about the man and he is now one of my all time favorite artists and human beings.

Not bad for random, eh?

By the way, my son Craig was 11 years old when we took him to see "Natural Born Killers." It caused quite a stir in the movie theater.

That was great fun.

 Again, in keeping with the theme of the previous post, "Blood and Candle Smoke" did not take.

I walked through the gates of HELL and had a miserable day at work. Could not call up Tom Russell's magic to save me.

However it is there for me whenever I need it, and thank Christ for that.

Along with Billy Joel and Leonard Cohen and....................................................

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