Sunday, August 9, 2015

Morning Breeze

Straggled downstairs this morning in an exceptionally pleasant early morning haze.

First of all I didn't wake up until 9:18. That is VERY strange for me.

Since I have aged a bit I usually wake by 7:00. So today was delicious.

First things first. I emptied and refreshed the cats' water bowl.

Actually it is Onyx's water bowl. Our one and only dog.

He was a sweetheart and when he was around he and the cats shared this bowl. A big red dog bowl.

After I was forced to kill him at the age of 16 we kept the bowl.

We tried to change it once and replace it with a petite cat water bowl.

The cats approached it like it was a land mine and avoided it.

I'm sure if we stuck with the petite bowl they would have adjusted, but we gave up immediately and went back to Onyx's bowl.

I'm glad we did. It's like still having him around. I was flushing out the bowl, wiping and refilling it, a slight but insistent breeze crept through the two inch opening at the bottom of the kitchen window.

It was so pleasant, so temperately perfect, so gentle and sweet that it just grabbed a hold of my entire being.

I basked in the simple beauty and pleasure of it.

I'm telling you, man - life is precious, simple and beautiful when you allow it to be.

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